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adding --logic-program <pl-file> option
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josd committed Dec 26, 2024
1 parent 258a6f8 commit e31e396
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Showing 84 changed files with 134,717 additions and 10 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions RELEASE
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@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
EYE release

v11.2.0 (2024-12-27) adding --logic-program <pl-file> option
v11.1.4 (2024-12-23) using log:explains instead of log:proves
v11.1.3 (2024-12-23) using --explain instead of --ether
v11.1.2 (2024-12-20) replacing list:quicksort with (list ordering) list:sort sortedList where ordering can be "<", "=<", ">" and ">="
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion VERSION
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@@ -1 +1 @@
143 changes: 134 additions & 9 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
:- catch(use_module(library(process)), _, true).
:- catch(use_module(library(http/http_open)), _, true).

version_info('EYE v11.1.4 (2024-12-23)').
version_info('EYE v11.2.0 (2024-12-27)').

license_info('MIT License

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -63,6 +63,7 @@
--image <pvm-file> output all <data> and all code to <pvm-file>
--intermediate <n3p-file> output all <data> to <n3p-file>
--license show license info
--logic-program <pl-file> run logic program <pl-file>
--max-inferences <nr> halt after maximum number of inferences
--no-distinct-input no distinct triples in the input
--no-distinct-output no distinct answers in the output
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -105,6 +106,10 @@
--pass-only-new output only new derived triples
--query <n3-query> output filtered with filter rules').

:- op(1200, xfx, :=).

:- dynamic((:=)/2).
:- dynamic(answer/1).
:- dynamic(answer/3). % answer(Predicate, Subject, Object)
:- dynamic(apfx/2).
:- dynamic(argi/1).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -167,6 +172,7 @@
:- dynamic(semantics/2).
:- dynamic(shellcache/2).
:- dynamic(tabl/3).
:- dynamic(step/3).
:- dynamic(tmpfile/1).
:- dynamic(tuple/2).
:- dynamic(tuple/3).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -292,11 +298,14 @@
catch(gre(Argus), Exc,
( Exc = halt(0)
-> true
; ( flag('parse-only')
-> true
; format(user_error, '** ERROR ** gre ** ~w~n', [Exc]),
nb_setval(exit_code, 3)
; ( Exc = halt(N)
-> nb_setval(exit_code, N)
; ( flag('parse-only')
-> true
; format(user_error, '** ERROR ** gre ** ~w~n', [Exc]),
nb_setval(exit_code, 3)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -687,6 +696,38 @@
format(user_error, '~w~n', [License]),
opts(['--logic-program', File|_], _) :-
nb_setval(closure, 0),
nb_setval(limit, -1),
nb_setval(fm, 0),
nb_setval(mf, 0),
( (_ := _)
-> format(":- op(1200, xfx, :=).~n~n", [])
; version_info(Version),
format("~w~n", [Version])
( (Conc := _),
Conc \= true,
Conc \= false
( functor(Conc, P, A),
nb_getval(fm, Fm),
( Fm = 0
-> true
; format(user_error, "*** fm=~w~n", [Fm])
nb_getval(mf, Mf),
( Mf = 0
-> true
; format(user_error, "*** mf=~w~n", [Mf])
opts(['--max-inferences', Lim|Argus], Args) :-
( number(Lim)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -5248,6 +5289,90 @@
catch(clause(B, true), _, fail),
\+prfstep(A, _, _, _, _, _, _).

% ---------------------
% EAM2 abstract machine
% ---------------------
% 1/ select rule Conc := Prem
% 2/ prove Prem and if it fails backtrack to 1/
% 3/ if Conc = true assert answer(Prem)
% else if Conc = false stop with return code 2
% else if ~Conc assert Conc and retract brake
% 4/ backtrack to 2/ and if it fails go to 5/
% 5/ if brake
% if not stable start again at 1/
% else output answers, output steps and stop
% else assert brake and start again at 1/
eam2 :-
( (Conc := Prem), % 1/
copy_term((Conc := Prem), Rule),
Prem, % 2/
( Conc = true % 3/
-> ( \+answer(Prem)
-> assertz(answer(Prem))
; true
; ( Conc = false
-> format("% inference fuse, return code 2~n", []),
; ( term_variables(Conc, [])
-> Concl = Conc
; Concl = (Conc := true)
assertz(step(Rule, Prem, Concl)),
fail % 4/
; ( brake % 5/
-> ( nb_getval(closure, Closure),
nb_getval(limit, Limit),
Closure < Limit,
NewClosure is Closure+1,
nb_setval(closure, NewClosure),
; answer(Prem),
; ( step(_, _, _)
-> format("~n%~n% Proof steps~n%~n~n", []),
step(Rule, Prem, Conc),
portray_clause(step(Rule, Prem, Conc)),
; true
; true
; assertz(brake),

% assert new step
astep2((B, C)) :-
astep2(A) :-
( \+A
-> assertz(A)
; true

% stable(+Level)
% fail if the deductive closure at Level is not yet stable
stable(Level) :-
nb_getval(limit, Limit),
( Limit < Level
-> nb_setval(limit, Level)
; true
nb_getval(closure, Closure),
Level =< Closure.

% DJITI (Deep Just In Time Indexing)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -9200,7 +9325,7 @@
-> getbool(B, V)
; V = B
inv(U, V)
invert(U, V)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -12303,8 +12428,8 @@
; catch(call(C), _, fail)

inv(false, true).
inv(true, false).
invert(false, true).
invert(true, false).

+(A, B, C) :-
plus(A, B, C).
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19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions logic-programming/
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@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# Logic Programming

- Using webized prolog which basically means that atoms can be IRIs.
- Besides top-down reasoning with `conclusion :- premise` rules, it also does bottom-up reasoning with `conclusion := premise` rules.
- Bottum-up reasoning can use `stable(n)` to fail if the deductive closure at level `n` is not yet stable.
- Proofs steps are `step((conclusion := premise), premise_inst, conclusion_inst)` and `conclusion_inst` is asserted.
- Variables are interpreted as universally quantified variables except for `conclusion := premise` conclusion-only variables which are interpreted existentially.
- Queries are posed as `true := premise` and answered as `answer(premise_inst)`.
- Inference fuses are defined as `false := premise` and blown as `fuse(premise_inst)` with return code 2.

## Rationale for bottom-up reasoning with `conclusion := premise` rules

- conclusion can be a conjunction
- conclusion can be `false` to blow an inference fuse
- conclusion can be `true` to pose a query
- conclusion can not be any other built-in
- conclusion-only variables are existentials
- generating proofs using `step/3` proof steps
- avoiding loops that could occur with backward chaining
45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions logic-programming/
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@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
% Ackermann function
% See

% ackermann(x, y, z)
'urn:example:ackermann'([A, B], C) :-
D is B+3,
ackermann(A, D, 2, E),
C is E-3.

% succ (x=0)
ackermann(0, A, _, B) :-
B is A+1.

% sum (x=1)
ackermann(1, A, B, C) :-
C is A+B.

% product (x=2)
ackermann(2, A, B, C) :-
C is A*B.

% exponentiation (x=3), tetration (x=4), pentation (x=5), hexation (x=6), etc
ackermann(_, 0, _, 1) :-
ackermann(A, B, C, D) :-
E is B-1,
ackermann(A, E, C, F),
G is A-1,
ackermann(G, F, C, D).

% queries
true := 'urn:example:ackermann'([0, 6], _).
true := 'urn:example:ackermann'([1, 2], _).
true := 'urn:example:ackermann'([1, 7], _).
true := 'urn:example:ackermann'([2, 2], _).
true := 'urn:example:ackermann'([2, 9], _).
true := 'urn:example:ackermann'([3, 4], _).
true := 'urn:example:ackermann'([3, 14], _).
true := 'urn:example:ackermann'([4, 0], _).
true := 'urn:example:ackermann'([4, 1], _).
true := 'urn:example:ackermann'([4, 2], _).
true := 'urn:example:ackermann'([5, 0], _).
51 changes: 51 additions & 0 deletions logic-programming/
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@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
% Access control policy example

'urn:example:policy'('urn:example:test1', 'urn:example:PolicyX').
'urn:example:has'('urn:example:test1', 'urn:example:A').
'urn:example:has'('urn:example:test1', 'urn:example:B').
'urn:example:has'('urn:example:test1', 'urn:example:C').
'urn:example:allOf'('urn:example:PolicyX', 'urn:example:A').
'urn:example:allOf'('urn:example:PolicyX', 'urn:example:B').
'urn:example:anyOf'('urn:example:PolicyX', 'urn:example:C').
'urn:example:noneOf'('urn:example:PolicyX', 'urn:example:D').

'urn:example:pass'(A, 'urn:example:allOfTest') :-
'urn:example:policy'(B, A),
'urn:example:allOf'(A, C),
'urn:example:has'(B, C)

'urn:example:pass'(A, 'urn:example:anyOfTest') :-
'urn:example:policy'(B, A),
'urn:example:anyOf'(A, C),
'urn:example:has'(B, C)
length(D, E),
E \= 0.

'urn:example:pass'(A, 'urn:example:noneOfTest') :-
'urn:example:policy'(B, A),
'urn:example:noneOf'(A, C),
'urn:example:has'(B, C)
length(D, 0).

% query
true :=
'urn:example:pass'(A, 'urn:example:allOfTest'),
'urn:example:pass'(A, 'urn:example:anyOfTest'),
'urn:example:pass'(A, 'urn:example:noneOfTest').
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
% age checker

% person data
'urn:example:birthDay'('urn:example:patH', [1944, 8, 21]).

% is the age of a person above some years?
'urn:example:ageAbove'(S, A) :-
'urn:example:birthDay'(S, [Yb, Mb, Db]),
Ya is Yb+A,
date_time_stamp(date(Ya, Mb, Db, 22, 0, 0, _, _, _), Tc),
Tc =< T.

% query
true := 'urn:example:ageAbove'(_, 80).

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