This repo includes a workflow for updating the Extendify SDK in partner plugins or themes.
To update the Extendify SDK in a plugin or theme where it is already loaded:
- Add the workflow in this repo to your project
- Manually run it from GitHub actions
- Merge the created PR
Note: If extendify isn't located in /extendify-sdk then you will need to update the workflow accordingly to match the directory it is installed into
If Extendify isn't yet installed:
- Follow the steps above to add the SDK
- Add the below code snippet to the main plugin file to load Extendify
- Change the
Partner Name
to the name of your plugin or theme
require_once plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . 'extendify-sdk/loader.php'
if ( ! isset( $GLOBALS['extendify_sdk_partner'] ) ) {
// phpcs:ignore WordPress.NamingConventions.PrefixAllGlobals.NonPrefixedVariableFound
$GLOBALS['extendify_sdk_partner'] = 'Partner Name';
Note: Be sure to update 'Partner Name' with the name of your product.