This project is an IAR Renesas RL78G14 project that using GainSpan wifi module GS1011M to demo Exosite cloud activatation,
and cloud connectivity to send and receive data to/from the cloud by using Exosite's Cloud Data Platform.
The project functionality includes:
- New device activation and save cik to EEPROM.
- Period send data to draw triangle wave to Exosite cloud.
- Send adc value and temp to Exosite cloud.
- Read data source on Exosite cloud.
License is BSD, Copyright 2012, Exosite LLC (see LICENSE file)
Tested and developed ith IAR for RL78 30-day evaluation 1.40.5.
- Install IAR Embedded Workbench for Renesas RL78 30-day evaluation
2).Add a new device with the MAC address shown on the GainSpan Wifi module at - Download project repository as a zip file.
- Extract the project and open it with IAR.
- Confirm SW5.2 is OFF then plug in the USB cable to your PC
- Compile the project and download the program to the board
- Press Switch 2 down before running program.
- Use a smart phone or a laptop that can select WiFi Access Point to connect to provision AP.
- Open, Select XXXX, input your SSID and pass phase then save.
- Stop program and press Switch 1 down before running program.
- Release Switch 1 when "Cloud Demo" shows on the LCD.
- If the module successfully associates with your WiFi Access Point and connects to the Exosite server, the device will exchange security keys and will be activated
- When connected and activated, the device will send "ping", board temp and ADC1 values periodically
- When connected, the LEDs on the board can be turned on and off from the cloud by modifying the "LED Control" command data source in your Portal (or via the API).
- When activated and had provisioned, it'll auto boot on "Cloud Demo" mode
Release 2014-11-20
--) modify the codebase, so that it can use https to connect the cloud
Release 2013-07-29
--) improvement Exosite library in activation function
Release 2013-05-03
--) implement Exosite library
Release 2012-10-01
--) initial release
1. The program will crash when the wifi connection is unstable / gets disconnected from the AP.
- DNS not yet supported