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exitxhu edited this page Dec 26, 2023 · 1 revision

Welcome to the QueDuler wiki!

What is Queduler?

As you may noticed QueDuler is Queue + ScheDuler :)

A lightweight job manager supporting lots of common scenarios. QueDuler wraps the logic and reduces Boilerplate codes by various methods to ensure reliable, easy, and fast to-write codes.

the design takes notes of Actor DP but not all the way because the concern Queduler tries to address is not building an entire Application, only managing internal/disturbed jobs. if you need a full-Fledge Actor Framework so your application will build upon it you may use other options like Akka.Net.

There are three main scenarios:

  1. Scheduling
  2. Dispatching (like consuming queues), which resolves the job every time a message is received - triggered.
  3. Observables are like Dispatching but the job instance won't dispose after fulfilling the job, every time triggered, it invokes OnNext() method.

we will explore more.

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