Automaticly track and audit all of your changes that are occured in a specified DbContext. this package is provider ignorant and only cares about the db context
1- Decorate your entity with [Auditable()] attribute 2- your AppDbContext should inherite AuditDbContext and implement the constructor 3- in startup / program file you should inject it via AddAuditDbContext extension method, or you can inject it as scoped 4- you can use AuditDbContextOption for furture configuring CAudit behavior
some configs are done inside [Auditable()] attribute
5- use contex.Audit(n=> n.predicate == true) to query the data 6- there are 3 properties in Audit class that help you see the data:
audited.Data : always carry the most relevent data, in insert and update it is CurrentData and if deleted it is OldData
you can have both Old and New data or only retaine new data.
to achive that you may use the optional parameter pattern in [Auditable()]
if CAudit tracks a update change, the pre-modification data will be stored in OldData and post-modification inside CurrentData.
if CAudit tracks an insert, you can see it inside CurrentData.
if CAudit tracks a deleting opration, pre deleting data will be stored in OldData and CurrentData will be null-defualt.
in this case CAudit dont care about the previuos state of entity
if you set it as -KeepNewAndOld-, the audit record will behave like this in each scenario:
Note: these options dont alter audit.Data behavior or content