If you don't understand some concept like "What is the use of normalizing a Vector" just ask ChatGPT, he will help you a lot in your journey!
I've selected what I consider the best materials to learn each concept and put them here. I hope that they can help u like they helped me, GL!
This cheat runs every tick of the game by doing a Trampoline Hook on the function wglSwapBuffers
from the opengl32.dll
. The SDL2 (Engine used by AC) uses the function wglSwapBuffers
. This function is called at the end of each frame rendering process.
Materials that helped me to create an ESP.
- The Cherno OpenGL YouTube Playlist (you should watch the five first videos at least)
- Website explaining everything about OpenGL
- Finding EntityList in Assault Cube (GH - Rake)
- Finding EntityList in Assault Cube (Green Eyes)
- Finding EntityList in Skyrim (GH - Icew0lf)
- Finding EntityList in CS:GO (GH - Rake) *(interesting to see, it's a linked list)
Only for educational purposes.
Materials that helped me to create an Aimbot.
- Better Aimbot (UnknownCheats - InvokeStatic) (my favorite)
Only for educational purposes.