Releases: evllabs/JGAAP
JGAAP 8.0.2
This is a stable release of JGAAP 8.
This release updates the version of Log4j used by JGAAP to ensure protection against the CVE-2021-44228 Remote Code Execution vulnerability. Updating to this release is highly recommended.
MD5: 173d28dd157d0ba50f322b50fdde8f25
SHA256: f2637724e33fa8ce5807795e0ff54b60c2d0f84aad95d9950f1f82c96a210800
JGAAP 8.0.1
This is a stable release of JGAAP 8.
This release changes the default length used for Character N-grams from 2 to 10. This change is based on research results which suggest that slightly larger Character N-grams tend to yield better results.
MD5: 15c890eb51575c7c4cd4de7a563661d2
SHA256: 335b9554d1fef97a05388c1681a10e6d0565d304b060c5940820f79953423c9b
JGAAP 8.0.0
This is a stable release of JGAAP 8. The following is a list of new features and bug fixes that have been made since the release of JGAAP 6.0.0.
New Features:
- Added support for running multiple event drivers together
- Added K Skip N Character Gram event driver
- Added K Skip N Word Gram event driver
- Added Leave One Out Non-Distance analysis method
- Added a "Smash I" canonicizer which converts all occurrences of the word "I" to lowercase
- Added "Line Length" event driver which retrieves the number of words per line of text
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed Parts of Speech event driver
- Fixed Definitions event driver
- Fixed Parts of Speech N-gram event driver
- Files generated by the experimental engine now use an underscore (_) character instead of a pipe character (|) to prevent errors when using the engine on Windows
- Files generated by the experimental engine now use a dash (-) character instead of a colon character (:) to prevent errors when using the engine on Windows
- Fixed a bug that caused output from the experiment engine to include the word "null" in cases where experiments could not be run
- Fixed an occasional NullPointerException that would occur when using the experiment engine
- Fixed missing "\n" from the tooltip text of the "New Lines" event driver
- Fixed results from experiments using the "K-Nearest Neighbor Driver" analysis method not getting sorted correctly
- Fixed an incorrect implementation of Bhattacharyya Distance
MD5: 3cabe06a0b6f6740e11b5b0252c63e5b
SHA256: ab8b7fc0098f5ba0b666fd0b3b782cecdac338d74f27272f89159e14449adb19
JGAAP 8.0.0 Alpha Build #7
This is a preproduction release of JGAAP 8.0.0.
This release replaces an incorrect implementation of Bhattacharyya Distance.
MD5: c4fae3eb24a022e5ca028797660913c6
SHA256: f334c674668d56c8175535f00fc88dc99314763582ec9f8ddca668a9a24cca16
JGAAP 8.0.0 Alpha Build #6
This is a preproduction release of JGAAP 8.0.0.
This version contains the following new bug fixes and features:
- Fixed an occasional NullPointerException that would occur when using the experiment engine
- Fixed missing "\n" from the tooltip text of the "New Lines" event driver
- Added "Line Length" event driver which retrieves the number of words per line of text
- Fixed results from experiments using the "K-Nearest Neighbor Driver" analysis method not getting sorted correctly
MD5: 68647bf543641f656d2c01023d7e7406
SHA256: dbb49526c779d0f3da0214e4084ff7acd9162b2e85f1148c073d2a5f8f6e3b68
JGAAP 8.0.0 Alpha Build #4
This is a preproduction release of JGAAP 8.0.0.
This release fixes a bug that caused output from the experiment engine to include the word "null" in cases where experiments could not be run.
MD5: 8a7214d655287f47d802cec4e2ebeff2
SHA256: 9becef789768aef4e220bce38a5dca8c834a5b9ce16c2ad36e5247c16af87c9a
JGAAP 8.0.0 Alpha Build #3
This is a preproduction release of JGAAP 8.0.0.
This release fixes a bug in the "Smash I" canonicizer.
MD5: 953497ca7499db93bc801a95b1d29656
SHA256: 53013b1cd8dfd5671eb46095bed9a25f05a2b2d10f02e85d5bca41e547e21c37
JGAAP 8.0.0 Alpha Build #2
This is a preproduction release of JGAAP 8.0.0.
This release adds a "Smash I" canonicizer which converts all occurrences of the word "I" to lowercase.
MD5: ca52f094483477670d9513ecb9f7e3c9
SHA256: 26560af061443d3a1614095823d3d0a1dca3c8f0640ecbce14ffd5192e613ad8
JGAAP 8.0 Alpha Build
This is a preproduction release of JGAAP 8.0.
This version contains the same changes as all releases in the 7.0 Alpha pre-release series, but bumps the version number to 8.0-alpha.
MD5: 53ca0762290b2d487a2232822278d36a
SHA256: 52017a70e35ee314042ec8ff0c20e0119922e18a6cd659a644b3e2f60470463f
JGAAP 7.0 Alpha Build #3
This is a preproduction release of JGAAP 7.0.
This version contains the same changes as the previous 7.0 Alpha builds as well as the following new bug fix:
- Files generated by the experimental engine now use a dash (-) character instead of a colon character (:) to prevent errors when using the engine on Windows.