A JavaScript linter built with Ruby
- Ruby,
- Vs.code,
- Git and Github
- Rspec
- clone this repository
- cd to the folder
- Use this command
to run test
- To check for errors in your javaScript file run the code
ruby bin/main.rb + javascript file you want check
- if spaces are found at beginning of lines
- if extra spaces are found around variables e.g
*Good practice* let boy = doe or const number = 9
*Bad practice* let| | boy = doe or var number| | = 9
- if more than one class is defined in a module.
- if capital letters or numbers are used to start a variable name, e.g
*Bad practice* let 4boy = doe or const Numbercaps = 9
*GOOD practice* let boy = doe or var numberCaps = 9
- if class names begin with small letters and/or
- if class names are snake-cased or both e.g
*Good practice* class GoodClass {} or class Good_Class {}
*Bad practice* class badclass {} or class Bad-class {}
- Or if underscores and hyphen are mixed
*Bad practice* class Bad_class-Name {}
👤 Evanson Igiri
- Github: @githubhandle
- Twitter: @twitterhandle
- Linkedin: linkedin
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check the issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if you like this project!
- Odin Project