This repository leverages yadm to manage dotfiles, settings, and text files in my macOS home directory. yadm
simplifies tracking and synchronizing these files across systems. The local yadm
repository is stored at .local/share/yadm/repo.git
To ensure everything stays up-to-date, run the following commands (using the provided aliases) regularly, ideally on a weekly basis.
- Check for outdated packages:
- Update outdated packages (if applicable).
npm -g update
- Open Neovim:
- Update lazy.nvim plugins. Inside Neovim, run
to open lazy.nvim and "S" to sync plugins. And then, quit Neovim.
r && b
- Track changes:
- Stage specific files:
u add [path/to/file...]
- Commit and push:
ucm "Commit message" && up