This project contains:
- addon-jars, a placeholder directory for the compiled add-on jars, used in the build job and by the Dockerfile
- source code of the add-on modules:
- bcrypt-addon: BCrypt custom encryption
- custom-protocol-mapper: replaces deprecated scripted mapper option in the ADMIN UI
- delete-unverified-users: deletes unverified keycloak registrations
- eventlistener: catches user delete events, sends delete request to User Sets API and reports user deletion to Slack (backup) via email
- keycloak-metrics-spi: reports current number of users
- dependencies: used by the BCrypt add-on
- k8s: Kustomizer configuration used to create Kubernetes files for different deployments
- Dockerfile, to build a docker image of Keycloak + add-ons that can be deployed in our Kubernetes cluster
- and the usual pom.xml & .ignore files
Keep in mind that the versions of Keycloak specified in the root pom.xml and in the Dockerfile need to match!
- current keycloak version is 23.0.7
The password encryption is uses the Bcrypt Library by Patrick Favre-Bulle (, licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (see the BCRYPT 3rd party license in the bcrypt-addon module)