What’s Changed
- fix CreateStream without shardCount (#339) @alexrashed
- Update log4cats-slf4j to 2.4.0 (#334) @scala-steward
- Update borer-compat-circe, borer-core to 1.8.0 (#331) @scala-steward
- Update http4s-circe, http4s-dsl, ... to 0.23.14 (#337) @scala-steward
- Update cats-effect to 3.3.14 (#333) @scala-steward
- Update sbt-scoverage to 2.0.1 (#338) @scala-steward
- Update svm to 22.2.0 (#335) @scala-steward
- Update sbt to 1.7.1 (#332) @scala-steward
- Update uuid-creator to 5.1.0 (#329) @scala-steward
- Update sbt to 1.7.0 (#330) @scala-steward
- Update log4cats-slf4j to 2.3.2 (#328) @scala-steward
- Update cats-core to 2.8.0 (#326) @scala-steward
- Update sbt-scoverage to 2.0.0 (#325) @scala-steward
- Update sbt-scalafix to 0.10.1 (#320) @scala-steward
- Update http4s-circe, http4s-dsl, ... to 0.23.13 (#323) @scala-steward
- Update uuid-creator to 5.0.0 (#321) @scala-steward
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.5.8 (#324) @scala-steward
- Update refined-scalacheck to 0.10.1 (#322) @scala-steward
- Update log4cats-slf4j to 2.3.1 (#311) @scala-steward
- Update http4s-circe, http4s-dsl, ... to 0.23.12 (#317) @scala-steward
- Update svm to (#316) @scala-steward
- Update cats-effect to 3.3.12 (#315) @scala-steward
- Update circe-core, circe-parser to 0.14.2 (#314) @scala-steward
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.5.3 (#313) @scala-steward
- Update refined-scalacheck to 0.9.29 (#312) @scala-steward
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.5.2 (#310) @scala-steward
- Update scalacheck-effect-munit to 1.0.4 (#309) @scala-steward
- Update log4cats-slf4j to 2.3.0 (#308) @scala-steward