My company recently had a retreat, and one of the highlights was playing a game where we wandered around a house in the dark, looking for riddles hidden in the various rooms. I thought it would be fun to try recreating a bit of that experience with a web app.
I would love your contributions. Please clone this repo and either add more riddles (easy peasy), or even more features (if you have a little more time). Then submit a pull request.
- Add animation to the timer hourglass.
- Additional choices of images for the rooms and the masks.
- Social sharing links.
- A property of the riddle object that can be used to store a riddle's explanation, and a way to display that explanation.
- More sound effect options.
- More info in the footer.
- Possibly other pages with different Halloween-related games or other content.
- What else sounds interesting?
Heather Nuffer | Ankeeta Ahire | Jan Holmberg | Prachie Goje | Paul Nuffer | Chaitanya Chawla | |