This is a final project created for Harvard Neuro 240.
The file "scratch_transformer.ipynb" is a jupyter notebook that is a transformer model I wrote from scratch to gain practice trained on taking th emax over a fixed length integer list. The file "fixed_length.ipynb" is a notebook that is a transformer model trained to take the max over a fixed length integer list. The "variable_length.ipynb" file is a notebook that shows a transformer model trained to take the max over a variable length list. The file "encoding.ipynb" is an encoding of two numbers that removes the limitations of the vocab size that is present in the last two models, and "encodingWithAnswer.ipynb" is a revised version of the naive encoding as described in the writeup.
To run the notebooks, just open them and press "run all" to run all the cells. They should all work as intended.
The final report can be found within the Report folder under "final.pdf".