David Patterson, John Hennessy 저
Elsevier · 2017년 4월 13일 출시
컴퓨터 구조를 공부한다.
RISC-V 컴퓨터 하드웨어, 소프트웨어 인터페이스를 자세히 공부한다.
Computer Abstractions and Technology
response time(execution time): wall clock time(elapsed time), CPU time, clock rate, clock period, CPI(Clock cycles Per Instruction), Effective CPI, MIPS
Power Wall, multicore processor, parallel programming, Amdahl's Law
CISC vs RISC, general purpose register(register file), register operands, data alignment(MIPS vs RISC-V), byte addressing, little/big Endian, register spilling, bit extension
R-format instructions(arithmetic), I-format instructions(load, immediate arithmetic), S-format instructions(stores)
addressing mode(immediate, register, base, PC-relative), logical operations(shift, and, or, xor)
branch instructions(if-else, while example), procedure calling, procedure call instructions, memory layout, stack, leaf procedure, non-leaf procedure(factorial example), string copy example
wide, branch instructions, data race
wide immediate operands, branch addressing, SB-format, branching far away
data race, synchronization, atomic swap, mutex lock
instruction execution: IF(Instruction Fetch), ID(Instruction Decode/register file read), EX(Execute/address calculation), MEM(Memory access), WB(Write Back)
combinational element, state element, sequential elements, multiplexer, control unit(function unit, control line)
single-cycle vs pipelined performance, pipeline bubble, steady state
pipeline hazard: structural hazard, data hazard(forwarding, code scheduling), control hazard(static/dynamic branch prediction)
RISC-V Pipelined datapath, ILP
pipeline register, forwarding, double data hazard
Instruction Level Parallelism, Multiple Issue, Speculation, VLIW(Very Long Instruction Word), Loop Unrolling
memory hierarchy, direct mapped cache
SRAM, DRAM, temporary locality, spatial locality
hit ratio, miss ratio, direct mapped cache(tag, valid bit, address subdivision), block size considerations
cache miss, cache write, set-associative cache
cache miss(compulsory/capacity/conflict misses), cache write(write-through, write buffer, write-back, write allocation)
N-way set-associative cache(miss rate and associativity), fully-associative cache, replacement policy(LRU, random)
split cache(instruction cache, data cache), cache performance(memory-stall clock cycles, AMAT), multilevel caches(primary cache, secondary cache)
interconnect, heterogeneity, thread
interconnection, I/O register mapping(memory mapped I/O, I/O mapped I/O), polling, interrupt
heterogeneous computing, parallel programming, process vs thread, Thread-Level Parallelism(TLP): Temporal Multi-Threading(Coarse-grained, Fine-grained), Simultaneous Multi-Threading(SMT)
Shared Memory Multiprocessor(SMP), Uniform Memory Access, Non-Uniform Memory Access, PThread Programming
Message Passing Interface(MPI), MPI programming