will output a bedGraph file with entries for each genomic interval featuring homogeneous depth
will output haplotype-level methylation calls, using the HP tags added by whatshap in the wf-human-snp workflow
will benchmark SV calls with Truvari
The workflow uses the 'NIST_SVs_Integration_v0.6' truth set and benchmarking should be carried out on HG002 data.
Added coverage barrier to wf-human-variation
When the SNP and SV subworkflows are both selected, the workflow will use the results of the SV subworkflow to refine the SNP calls
This new behaviour can be disabled with --skip_refine_snp_with_sv
Updated to Oxford Nanopore Technologies PLC. Public License
Workflow requires target regions to have 20x mean coverage to permit analysis
now handles empty VCF files
now handles mono-allelic STR
WhatsHap processes do not block for long time with CRAM inputs due to missing REF_PATH
filterCalls failure when input BED has more than three columns
get_genome assumed STR subworkflow was always enabled, preventing CNV analysis with hg19
"genome build (...) is not compatible with this workflow" was incorrectly thrown when the workflow stopped before calling get_genome
You can’t perform that action at this time.