The best boilerplate for your React projects.
This boilerplate contains all you need to start your next React.js project. Simple, robust, well-organized, all you need to do is clone, install and you're ready to start.
This is a lite version of a larger project here
Without Tailwind Here
There is an article for anyone who wants to learn how to build this boilerplate, if you want to learn just click here.
This boilerplate features all the latest tools and practices in the industry.
- ⚛ React — 16.12.0 with Hooks
- 🛠 Babel — ES6 syntax, Airbnb & React/Recommended config
- 🚀 Webpack — Hot Reloading, Code Splitting, Optimized Build
- 💅 CSS — CSS, Sass, Tailwind, PostCSS with Autoprefixer
- 💖 Lint — ESlint
For more features, click here
- Clone this repo using
- Move to the appropriate directory:
cd react-bolt-lite
. - Run
ornpm install
to install dependencies. - Run
npm start
to see the example app athttp://localhost:8080
npm start
- start the dev servernpm run build
- create a production ready build indist
foldernpm run lint
- execute an eslint checknpm run lint:fix
- execute an eslint and fix the errorsnpm run build:css
- build the tailwind css for productionnpm run watch:css
- watch for the compiling tailwind css with autoprefixes
- Hot Module Replacement: Better HMR support;
- CSS/Sass support: Enable CSS/Sass support;
- PWA: Turn into a PWA boilerplate;
- SEO: SEO-ready;
MIT license, Copyright (c) 2020 Ephraim Atta-Duncan