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Head to our docs to understand XMTP's concepts
If you get into issues with Buffer
and polyfills
check out the fix below:
This tutorial will guide you through the process of creating an XMTP app with WalletConnect & Wagmi.
First, you need to import the necessary libraries and components. In your index.js file, import the WagmiConfig
from wagmi
and wrap your main component with it.
import { createWeb3Modal, defaultWagmiConfig } from "@web3modal/wagmi/react";
import { WagmiConfig } from "wagmi";
import { arbitrum, mainnet } from "wagmi/chains";
// 1. Get projectId
const projectId = "projectId";
// 2. Create wagmiConfig
const metadata = {
name: "Web3Modal",
description: "Web3Modal Example",
url: "https://web3modal.com",
icons: ["https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/37784886"],
const chains = [mainnet, arbitrum];
const wagmiConfig = defaultWagmiConfig({ chains, projectId, metadata });
createWeb3Modal({ wagmiConfig, projectId, chains });
<WagmiConfig config={wagmiConfig}>
<InboxPage />
In your main component, use the useAccount
hook to get the user's authentication status and other details.
const { address, isConnecting, isDisconnected } = useAccount();
Use the useWalletClient
hook to get the user's wallets. Then, find the embedded wallet and set it as the signer.
//This is the signer to send to the xmtp client
const { data: walletClient } = useWalletClient();
await initialize({ keys, options, signer /*: walletClient*/ });
That's it! You've now created an XMTP app with WalletConnect & Wagmi.