####Table of Contents
- Overview
- Usage - Configuration options
- Reference - Parameter and detailed reference to all options
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
- Development - Guide for contributing to the module
- Additional Information
This module manages the installation and configuration of LBNL Node Health CHeck (NHC).
Configure a host with NHC.
class { 'nhc': }
Note: The nhc_checks
Hiera key can be used and is collected using the hiera_array lookup function. If nhc_checks
in present in Hiera, it is used as the default value for checks
This is an example of using Hiera to define the default checks installed with NHC.
- 'check_fs_mount_rw /tmp'
- 'check_fs_mount_rw /'
- 'check_fs_mount_rw /dev/pts '/(none|devpts)/' devpts'
- 'check_ps_daemon sshd root'
- 'check_ps_daemon provisiond root'
- 'check_ps_daemon wulfd root'
- 'check_ps_unauth_users log syslog'
- 'check_ps_userproc_lineage log syslog'
- 'check_ps_kswapd 1800000 100 log syslog'
- 'check_hw_cpuinfo 2 8 8'
- 'check_hw_physmem 1024 1073741824'
- 'check_hw_swap 1 1073741824'
- 'check_hw_mem 1024 1073741824'
- 'check_hw_physmem_free 1'
- 'check_hw_swap_free 1'
- 'check_hw_mem_free 1'
- 'check_hw_ib 40'
- 'check_hw_gm myri0'
- 'check_hw_eth eth1'
A Hash can also be used to define checks
- 'check_fs_mount_rw /tmp'
- 'check_fs_mount_rw /'
- 'check_fs_mount_rw /dev/pts '/(none|devpts)/' devpts'
- 'check_ps_daemon sshd root'
- 'check_ps_daemon provisiond root'
- 'check_ps_daemon wulfd root'
- 'check_ps_unauth_users log syslog'
- 'check_ps_userproc_lineage log syslog'
- 'check_ps_kswapd 1800000 100 log syslog'
- 'check_hw_cpuinfo 2 8 8'
- 'check_hw_physmem 1024 1073741824'
- 'check_hw_swap 1 1073741824'
- 'check_hw_mem 1024 1073741824'
- 'check_hw_physmem_free 1'
- 'check_hw_swap_free 1'
- 'check_hw_mem_free 1'
- 'check_hw_ib 40'
- 'check_hw_gm myri0'
- 'check_hw_eth eth1'
This is an example of using a local yum repository to install NHC.
nhc::install_from_repo: 'foo-repo'
This is an other example of using a custom package url.
nhc::package_url: "http://warewulf.lbl.gov/downloads/repo/rhel6/warewulf-nhc-1.4.1-1.el6.noarch.rpm"
nhc::package_name: "warewulf-nhc-1.4.1-1.el6.noarch"
Installs and configures NHC. Default values in Hiera format are below.
$::osfamily == 'RedHat'
nhc::ensure: 'present'
nhc::package_ensure: undef
nhc::package_version: '1.4.2'
nhc::package_release: '1'
nhc::package_url: "https://github.com/mej/nhc/releases/download/%VERSION%/lbnl-nhc-%VERSION%-%RELEASE%.el%{::operatingsystemmajrelease}.noarch.rpm"
nhc::package_name: "lbnl-nhc-%VERSION%-%RELEASE%.el${::operatingsystemmajrelease}.noarch"
nhc::install_from_repo: undef
nhc::checks: []
nhc::settings: {}
nhc::config_overrides: {}
nhc::detached_mode: false
nhc::detached_mode_fail_nodata: false
nhc::program_name: 'nhc'
nhc::conf_dir: '/etc/nhc'
nhc::conf_file: '/etc/nhc/nhc.conf'
nhc::include_dir: '/etc/nhc/scripts'
nhc::log_file: '/var/log/nhc.log'
nhc::sysconfig_path: '/etc/sysconfig/nhc'
nhc::manage_logrotate: true
nhc::log_rotate_every: 'weekly'
This module has been tested on:
- CentOS 6 x86_64
Testing requires the following dependencies:
- rake
- bundler
Install gem dependencies
bundle install
Run unit tests
bundle exec rake test
If you have Vagrant >= 1.2.0 installed you can run system tests
bundle exec rake beaker