is a Python library for type inference and casting of tabular data.
First, clone the repo. Then install dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Type inference in infermary
is accomplished by attempting to cast a given string literal to an instance of an object with a certain type. If the cast is successful, the corresponding type is returned. If the attempt fails, a CastError
is raised. infermary
loops over an ordered list of types until a successful cast is found.
Below is the list of supported types in the order that infermary
attempts casting. Each type is accompanied by examples of strings for which the corresponding type is inferred.
missing -- "", "null", "NaN"
integer -- "0", "123", "1e2"
float -- "0.1", "1.23", "1e-1"
number -- [union of integer and float]
boolean -- "True", "FALSE", "true"
datetime -- "2017-10-13 15:14:13", "2017-10-13T15:14:13"
date -- "2017-10-13", "10/13/17"
time -- "15:14:13", "3:14 pm"
string -- "foo", "bar"
Since the input is a string, infermary
will always default to inferring a string
type if no other type casts are successful.
It is important to note that infermary
has an explicit missing
type that is inferred for a string equal to one of the associated sentinel values.
A table schema is a record of the types for each table column. Below is a sample of tabular data in the format required by infermary
"header": ["Name", "Height", "Age"],
"rows": [
["Name", "Height", "Age"],
["Foo", "5.7", "15"],
["Bar", "2.1", "1"],
["Baz", "", "49"]
If one is distinguishing between integer and float numeric values, this table has the expected schema:
{"name": "Name", "type": "string"},
{"name": "Height", "type": "float"},
{"name": "Age", "type": "integer"}
Notice that one of the cells is empty. To infer the schema of the table, it is necessary to count the occurrence of each type in a given column and make a statistical determination of the most likely type. Currently, infermary
chooses the column type based on a majority vote that excludes the counts of missing
To infer the type of a string literal, set the list of inferred types and call literal.infer_type
>>> from infermary import literal
>>> inferred_types = ["missing", "integer", "float", "boolean", "date", "time", "datetime", "string"]
>>> literal.infer_type("2017-10-13", inferred_types=inferred_types)
To cast to a value object against a given type, call literal.cast
>>> from infermary import literal
>>> literal.cast("2017-10-13", "date"), 10, 13)
>>> literal.cast("123", "date") # raises CastError
Table schema inference is accomplished with the infer_schema
>>> from infermary import table
>>> inferred_types = ["missing", "integer", "float", "boolean", "date", "time", "datetime", "string"]
>>> header = ["Name", "Value", "Rank", "Date", "Time", "IsTrue", "FuBar"]
>>> rows = [
["foo", "1.2", "1", "2017-10-13", " 3:14 pm", "TRUE ", " "],
["foo", "1.2", "1", "2017-10-13", " 15:14 ", "true ", "null"],
["bar", " ", "1", "2017-10-13", " 3:14 pm", "TRUE ", "NaN "],
["bar", " ", "2", "2017-10-13", " 3:14 pm", " ", " "],
["baz", "1.2", "2", "2017-10-13", "15:14 pm", "FALSE", " "],
["foo", "1.2", "3", "2017-10-13", " 3:14 pm", "False", " "]
>>> tbl = {"header": header, "rows": rows}
>>> table.infer_schema(tbl, inferred_types=inferred_types)
{"name": "Name", "type": "string"},
{"name": "Value", "type": "float"},
{"name": "Rank", "type": "integer"},
{"name": "Date", "type": "date"},
{"name": "Time", "type": "time"},
{"name": "IsTrue", "type": "boolean"},
{"name": "FuBar", "type": "missing"}
To make things interesting, this table has extra spaces around string values, cells with empty strings, cells with explicit null
sentinel values, and one incorrectly formatting time.
Casting of a table of literals against a schema is accomplished with table.cast
function. Using the sample data above and the schema returned from table.infer_schema
(named schema
below), we find
>>> from infermary import table
>>> table.cast(tbl, schema)
"header": ["Name", "Value", "Rank", "Date", "Time", "IsTrue", "FuBar"],
"rows": [
["foo", 1.2, 1,, 10, 13), datetime.time(15, 14), True, None],
... additional rows ommitted ...
In the above inference examples, the list of inferred types was explicitly specified. Note that order of the provided type list is irrelevant; the system will order the types according to the ordered master type list. If no types are provided, infermary
will use the default:
["missing", "number", "boolean", "date", "time", "datetime", "string"]
The public API of infermary
exposes variants of literal.cast
, literal.infer_type
, table.cast
, and table.infer_schema
that return a dict holding both the result and error reports. These variants are called by appending _with_error
to the function name. The returned payload has the form.
"errors": [...error objects...],
"result": ...function result if no errors; else None...
If there are errors, each error object has structure
"detail": ...error message...,
"type": ...error type...
Below is a listing of custom error types in infermary
, short descriptions of when each error is likely to be encountered, and an example message for each type.
when: An attempt to cast against the wrong type.
message: "The input '123' cannot be cast to a value of type 'float'."
when: The literal is not a string.
message: "The input 123 must be a string, not a value of type 'int'."
when: The type is unknown to *infermary*.
message: "Type 'foobar' is not registered."
when: The tabular data is incorrectly formatted.
message: "The input does not match the accepted table format. The input
object must be a dictionary with a `header` field that is a
list of the column names, and a `rows` field that is a list
of row data."
when: Almost never, but perhaps while refactoring or debugging.
message: "The input '123' could not be cast to any registered type.
This probably means the list of types is incomplete."