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RSA Securiy Analytics Configuration Backup tool

Author : Maxim Siyazov

sa_backup is a tool to take a backup of configurations of all Security Analytics components available on the appliance Tested with versions 10.3, 10.4, 10.5.

Because in 10.4 some configuration files such as rabbitmq, collectd, tokumx, and mcollective are managed by puppet so sa_backup does not save those files.

The tool does NOT do:

  • Backup of packet, meta, and session data.
  • Backup of a license server (fneserver).


  • The following components are backed up:

    • OS configuration files:
      • /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*[0-9] - HWADDR is disabled
      • /etc/sysconfig/network
      • /etc/hosts
      • /etc/resolv.conf
      • /etc/ntp.conf
      • /etc/fstab - renamed to fstab.{hostname} to prevent overwriting the original fstab on restore
      • /etc/krb5.conf
    • Puppet configuration (puppetmaster, puppet client, ssl files, node_id, puppet.conf, csr_attributes.yaml, mcollective configuration)
    • Core Appliance Services configuration (/etc/netwitness/ng)
    • SA server configuration (/var/lib/netwitness/uax, jetty keystore, jetty-ssl.xml)
    • Reporting Engine (configuration or full backup (optional))
    • RabbitMQ server (mnesia database, configuration for 10.3)
    • MongoDB (entire dump of the mongodb instance of SA and ESA servers)
    • PostgreSQL database (10.3)
    • Malware Analysis configuration
    • ESA server configuration
    • System Management Service (SMS) configuration
    • Incident Management (IM) configuration
    • Log Collector (configuration and statDB)
    • Warehouse Connector
    • Custom user files
  • After taking a backup the tool restores the original service status (start/stop)

  • Logs the progress to a file

  • Logs fatal errors to syslog

  • Checks if the tool is already running

  • Removes archives older than "n" days.

  • Rotates log file

  • Command line arguments - see the usage information.

  • Inline or file configuration to enable/disable backup of components

  • Option to backup custom user files

  • Test mode


  • Remote backup.


Usage: ./ [OPTION...]

Please modify the configuration section in the script or use an external configuration file.

  sa_backup --config=backup.conf --verbose

  sa_backup --backuponly=core

Main operation mode:

-c, --config=CONFIG_FILE      Use configuration file
-b, --backuponly=COMPONENTS   Backup only specified components:
                                  core - Core services
                                  sys - OS configuration
                                  puppet - puppet master/agent configuration
                                  rabbitmq - rabbitmq configuration
                                  mongo - MongoDB/tokumx dump
                                  jetty - SA application server settings
                                  re - Reporting Engine
                                  malware - Malware Analysis configuration
                                  esa - Event Stream Analysis configuration
                                  im - Incidint Management configuration
                                  sms - System Management System
                                  lc - Log collector
                                  whc - Warehouse connector
                                  pgqsl - PostgreSQL database
-t, --test                    Test mode; no backup performed
-v, --verbose                 tar verbose switch
-?, -h, --help                Give this help list

Edit the configuration section in the script before running it.

BACKUPPATH=/root/sabackups              # Local backup directory
LOG=sa_backup.log                       # The backup log file
LOG_MAX_DIM=10000000                    # Max size of log file in bytes - 10MB 
RETENTION_DAYS=1                        # Local backups retention in days (0 - no cleanup)
# System files 

# SA server / Jetty server

# Reporting engine
RE_FULLBACKUP=0                         # 0 - backup only RE configuration; 
                                        # 1 - full RE backup
. . .

This script must be run as "root" user.


  1. Fork it!
  2. Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  5. Submit a pull request :D


This script is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. Please refer to the GNU General Public License


RSA Securiy Analytics Backup Tool







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