Releases: epam/UUI
Releases · epam/UUI
4.6.2 - 20.04.2022
What's New
- [PickerInput]: add prop onClose to renderFooter callback
- [PickerModal]: add success & abort props to renderFooter callback
- [RTE]: added scrollbars prop to RTE to support internal and external scrollbars
- [MainMenu]: update styles in loveship
- [ApiContext] allow to customize /auth/login and /auth/ping endpoint addresses
- [ModalBlocker]: add possibility to disable focus locking inside modal
What’s Fixed
- [MainMenuIcon]: wrap into forwardRef
- [Anchor]: wrap with forwardRef
- [Tables]: set minimal flex-grow: 1 for scrolling section, to stretch it in case when all columns grow is not set or has '0' value
- [ErrorHandler]: change errors image source from http to https
- [Timeline] fixed issues when user zooms in/out in browser
- [DataTable]: fix column width in case when in columnsConfig there are columns only minWidth
- [PickerInput]: fix focus in readonly mode
- [ErrorHandler]: fixed am issue, which causes page re-render on errors
- [ErrorHandler]: fix error codes handling in loveship
- [RTE]: fix the position of the placeholder to match the position of the inner text
- [DataPickerRow]: do not call onFocus callback when it's not passed
- [PickerModal]: fixed issue when search is not working if 'Show only selected' applied
- [Button]: fixed text color for "fill:light" props in Promo skin
- [LazyDataSource]: fix indent for nested children
4.6.1 - 22.03.2022
What’s Fixed
- [MainMenu]: fix 'More' dropdown crashing in loveship
- [PickerInput]: fix autofocus on search in loveship
- [PickerInput]: fix crashing by clicking on'Show only selected' toggle
- [Table]: fix row width for columns with minWidth value
4.6.0 - 14.03.2022
What's New
package was moved to the@epam/uui-core
. We re-export@epam/uui-core
, so no need to replace imports in your code.- Remove deprecated react
usage:- Breaking changes:
- [Dropdown]: need to pass
callback params to the target node - [DndActor]: need to pass
callback params to the rendered root node - [Tooltip]: children should accept
- [Dropdown]: need to pass
- Breaking changes:
- Stronger types for
prop for all components. Now it's accept onlyReact.HTMLAttributes<T>
attributes. - [PickerInput], [TextInput]: Added prefix and suffix props
- [SlateEditor]: added ScrollBars to Editor
- [NumericInput]: added 'cell' mode
What’s Fixed
- [PickerToggler]: Remove redundant toggler focusing on tag clear
- [PickerToggler]: If not enought chars clear picker input on blur
- [PickerInput]: don't close picker in case when you remove search value
- [PickerInput]: don't load list on PickerInput mount
- [NumericInput]: Fixed handling float numbers
- [Form]: release Lock on form unmount
- [LazyDataSource]: rework cascade selection logic
4.5.4 - 10.02.2022
What’s Fixed
- [DataTable]: bug fixes
- [NumericInput] doesn't allow entering letters in safari
- [Portal]: fix portal crashing when it's try to remove portal child from root and root doesn't already exist in DOM
- [FileUpload]: update labels
- [Tree]: Re-create dataSource based on new props
- [Text]: add typography class to have possibility use Anchor inside Text with skin styles
- [FileCard]: fix progress behavior, remove extension from name
- [Form]: fix isChanged reset to false on form revert
4.5.3 - 20.01.2022
What’s Fixed
- [DataTable]: bug fixes
- [DataPickerFooter]: remove switch duplication in loveship
- [Badge]: removed redundant prop font for Badge
4.5.2 - 18.01.2022
What's New
- [Form]: Add isBeforeLeave param to onSuccess callback
- [MainMenuSearch]: add IEditableDebouncer
- [PickerInput]: add hideShowOnlySelected props for DataPickerFooter component
- [ModalFooter]: add cx prop
What’s Fixed
- [DataTable]: bug fixes
- [PickerModal]: renderFooter props type fix
- [DnD]: fix drag ending on not draggable element
4.5.1 - 12.01.2021
What's New
- [LazyDataSource]: add logic for check/uncheck parents if all/no siblings checked in cascadeSelection mode
- [NotificationCard]: Added rawProps
What’s Fixed
- [DataTable]: Fix styles for loveship skin, fix columns layout
- [PickerInput]: fix picker body closing on mobile after opening keyboard
- [PickerInput]: Fix placeholder ending for single selection mode
- [ContextProvider]: revert history in ContextProvider
- [PickerToggler]: don't crash when onClick props is not passed
4.5.0 - 23.12.2021
What's New
- [Breaking Change]: Changed VirtualList component api. Introduced new useVirtualList hook.
More information here - - Improved SSR support and introduced uui next.js app template. More information here -
- Added rawProps attribute to ModalHeader, ModalFooter, PickerInput, RangeDatePicker, DatePicker, TimePicker. Removed 'id' prop from PickerInput, DatePicker, TimePicker.
- [FileCard]: Added extension to file card. Bugfixes.
- [ArrayDataSource, LazyDataSource]: Added disableSelectAll attribute
- [RTE]: Added isEditorEmpty helper. Bugfixes.
What’s Fixed
- [DataPickerRow]: Fix tick icon alignment
- [MainMenu]: remove fill style from burger icons source
- [PickerInput]: fix bug when picker value === 0
- [DropdownMenu]: fix reset fonts for DropdownMenuButton
- [DropdownMenu]: Don't focus the first action in dropdown menu on menu opening
- [LockContext]: fix typings for 'release' method
- [BurgerButton]: fix BurgerButton icon color if isActiveLink=true
4.4.0 - 07.12.2021
What's New
- [Drag&Drop]: added mobile devices support
- [ErrorHandler]: added to 'promo' skin
- [PickerInput]: add possibility to pass icon to the toggler
- [DropSpot]: move wordings to the i18n
What’s Fixed
- [Router]: remove history types dependency from UUI, fix types for location.state
- [TextPlaceholder]: fix placeholder visibility for Safari
- [Form]: fix lens batch updates
- [Checkbox]: added default value, fixed alignment for label
- [ApiContext]: fix bug when 'connection lost' modal was shown on canceled fetch request
- [IconButton]: fix the IconButton color on focus when the button is disabled
- [SearchInput]: fix accept and cancel icons visibility when onAccept and onCancel callback are passed and value is empty
- [BurgerButton]: fix styles
4.3.0 - 25.10.2021
What's New
- [Lens][BreakingChange]: now if your get value from non-exist nested object field you will receive 'undefined' instead of 'null'
- [DataPickerFooter][Breaking Change]: changed DataPickerFooterProps interface.
- [Form]: introduced new useForm() hook
- [RouterContext]: extended Link interface by 'key', 'hash', 'state' fields
- [SlateEditor]: added onBlur and onKeyDown props
What’s Fixed
- [SlateRTE]: don't keep source formatting background-color when paste html in editor
- [Tag, Badge]: reworked styles according design
- [MainMenu]: reworked styles according design in Promo skin
- [DataTable]: added work of renderNoResultsBlock props without default behavior
- [Accordion]: remove overflow: hidden; style from body