4.6.2 - 20.04.2022
What's New
- [PickerInput]: add prop onClose to renderFooter callback
- [PickerModal]: add success & abort props to renderFooter callback
- [RTE]: added scrollbars prop to RTE to support internal and external scrollbars
- [MainMenu]: update styles in loveship
- [ApiContext] allow to customize /auth/login and /auth/ping endpoint addresses
- [ModalBlocker]: add possibility to disable focus locking inside modal
What’s Fixed
- [MainMenuIcon]: wrap into forwardRef
- [Anchor]: wrap with forwardRef
- [Tables]: set minimal flex-grow: 1 for scrolling section, to stretch it in case when all columns grow is not set or has '0' value
- [ErrorHandler]: change errors image source from http to https
- [Timeline] fixed issues when user zooms in/out in browser
- [DataTable]: fix column width in case when in columnsConfig there are columns only minWidth
- [PickerInput]: fix focus in readonly mode
- [ErrorHandler]: fixed am issue, which causes page re-render on errors
- [ErrorHandler]: fix error codes handling in loveship
- [RTE]: fix the position of the placeholder to match the position of the inner text
- [DataPickerRow]: do not call onFocus callback when it's not passed
- [PickerModal]: fixed issue when search is not working if 'Show only selected' applied
- [Button]: fixed text color for "fill:light" props in Promo skin
- [LazyDataSource]: fix indent for nested children