실시간으로 최근 날씨를 보여주는 SVG입니다!
깃허브, 노션, 웹페이지 등에 추가해서 예쁘게 꾸며보세요.
SVG shows the recent weather in real time!
Add this to your Github profile, Notion or Website for decorations.
<a href="https://weather-badge.vercel.app/">
<img src="https://weather-badge.vercel.app/api/badge?lat={latitude}&lon={longitude}&size={size}" />
[![Weather Badge](https://weather-badge.vercel.app/api/badge?lat={latitude}&lon={longitude}&size={size})]("https://weather-badge.vercel.app/")
You can easily create badge via my site!
- Next.js
- Tailwind CSS
- FontAwesome
- FontAwesome
- Meteocons
- Next.js
- Vercel