This container image includes PostgreSQL 14.1 SQL database server for general usage. Users can choose between RHEL(ubi8) and Rocky based images.
- Clone or download this repository
- Go inside of directory,
cd entando-postgres
- Run this command
docker build -f Dockerfile.rocky8 -t (image:tag) .
- Run this command
docker build -f Dockerfile.ubi8 -t (image:tag) .
The image recognizes the following environment variables.
POSTGRESQL_ADMIN_PASSWORD: The password of the postgres user
POSTGRESQL_USER: Standard user account to be created
POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD: Password for the user account
POSTGRESQL_DATABASE: Database for the user account (automatically created)
You can also set the following mount points by passing the -v /host/dir:/container/dir:Z
flag to Docker.
PostgreSQL database directory