Costumizable SSH Server with Python
Hey, I am trying to make an SSH server with Python. It will be costumizable and easy to use. I am still working on it. I will add more features soon. If you want to help me, you can fork this repository and make a pull request. I will be happy to see your contributions.
Feel free give me feedbacks and suggestions.
You can easily install pyssh with
pip install pyssh@git+
Or, you can clone the repository and build it on your machine
git clone
cd pySSH
pip install .
This is and example server for chatting, people can connect and chat with each other.
~/dev/pySSH (main*) » ssh ensar@localhost -o HostKeyAlgorithms=ssh-rsa -p 2222
Welcome to the chat room, ensar!
user: hey
ensar: what's up
~/dev/pySSH (main*) » ssh user@localhost -o HostKeyAlgorithms=ssh-rsa -p 2222
Welcome to the chat room, user!
user: hey
ensar: what's up
from pyssh import pySSH
import os
hostkey_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), 'keys')
app = pySSH(
hostkey_path = hostkey_path
class Client:
all_clients = []
def __init__(self, send, recv, username, terminal):
self.send = send
self.recv = recv
self.terminal = terminal
self.line = b''
# username is bold
self.username = b'\x1b[1m' + username + b'\x1b[0m'
def wellcome_message(self):
return b"Welcome to the chat room, " + self.username + b"!\r\n" + self.username + b": "
def send_message(self, message):
# clear_line + message + newline + username + prompt
self.send(b'\x1b[2K\r' + message + b'\r\n' + self.username + b': ' + self.line)
def handler(self, data):
if data == b'\r': # enter
# handle sending message to all clients
if self.line == b'':
print(self.username.decode(), ': ', self.line.decode(), sep='')
for client in self.all_clients:
if client != self:
client.send_message(self.username + b': ' + self.line)
self.send(b'\r\n' + self.username + b': ')
self.line = b''
elif data == b'\x03': # Ctrl+C
# handle quitting
self.send(b'Do you really want to quit? (y/n)')
answer = self.recv()
if answer == b'y':
self.send(b'Continue...\r\n' + self.username + b':' + self.line)
elif data == b'\x7f': # backspace
# handle backspace
if self.line == b'':
self.line = self.line[:-1]
self.send(b'\b \b')
elif data == b'\x1b': # escape
# handle escape
elif data == b'\t': # tab
# handle tab (convert to 4 spaces)
self.line += b' '
self.send(b' ')
elif data == b'\x04': # Ctrl+D
# handle Ctrl+D
# handle normal character
self.line += data
def quit(self, message=b''):
self.send(b'\r\n' + message + b'\r\n')
if __name__ == '__main__':