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npm i @engineersamuel/istruthy

Zero dependency micro-library (1kb minified / 2.7kb unminified)

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Most truthiness libraries are either extremely basic or simply adhere to the standard defnition of Truthy in JavaScript.

However, what happens when you want to consider ' ', [], {}, 0, or [null] false? This is where @engineersamuel/istruthy comes in.


$ npm i -D @engineersamuel/istruthy


import { isTruthy, isFalsy } from '@engineersamuel/istruthy';

console.log(isTruthy('abc')); // prints true
console.log(isTruthy('', { isEmptyStringFalse: true })); // prints false

console.log(isFalse('abc')); // prints false
console.log(isFalsy('', { isEmptyStringFalse: true })); // prints true

See the *.spec.ts files in the ./test directory for a great reference on using isTruthy.

If you want to reference this library directly in html:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <title>My Page</title>
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <!-- Other resources here -->
    <!-- ... -->
    <!-- Assembler CSS -->
    <script src="[email protected]/dist/index.min.js"></script>
<!-- Your code here -->
    console.log(Truthiness.isTruthy('abc')); // prints true
    console.log(Truthiness.isTruthy('', { isEmptyStringFalse: true })); // prints false

    console.log(Truthiness.isFalse('abc')); // prints false
    console.log(Truthiness.isFalsy('', { isEmptyStringFalse: true })); // prints true

Note that the UMD is built with rollup.js (Which is minimally necessary considering there are no dependencies) and the global variable name is Truthiness hence in the above browser environment you would access isTruthy via Truthiness.isTruthy.


Option Default Description
isZeroFalse false When set to true then 0 will be will be evaluated to false. Ex. isTruthy(0, { isZeroFalse: true}); // returns false
isInfinityFalse false When set to true then Infinity and -Infinity will be will be evaluated to false. Ex. isTruthy(Infinity, { isInfinityFalse: true}); // returns false
isEmptyStringFalse false When set to true then '' will be will be evaluated to false. Ex. isTruthy('', { isEmptyStringFalse: true}); // returns false
isEmptyObjectFalse false When set to true then {} will be will be evaluated to false. Ex. isTruthy({}, { isEmptyObjectFalse: true}); // returns false
isEmptyArrayFalse false When set to true then [] will be will be evaluated to false. Ex. isTruthy([], { isEmptyArrayFalse: true}); // returns false
isFilteredArrayFalse false When set to true then [null, undefined] will be will be evaluated to false. Ex. isTruthy([null, undefined], { isFilteredArrayFalse: true }); // returns false Note: This specific flag will recursively check each value, so passing options to isTruthy are recursively respected.
isFalsyArrayFalse false When set to true then [null, undefined] will be will be evaluated to false. Ex. isTruthy([null, undefined], { isFalsyArrayFalse: true})/ // returns false Ex. isTruthy([0, ''], { isFalsyArrayFalse: true, isZeroFalse: true, isEmptyStringFalse: true }); // returns false Note: This specific flag will recursively check each value, so passing options to isTruthy are recursively respected.


npm run test

  63 passing (38ms)

File      | % Stmts | % Branch | % Funcs | % Lines | Uncovered Line #s
All files |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |
 index.ts |     100 |      100 |     100 |     100 |


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Zero dependency truthiness micro-library







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