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How does the board work in real time?

Ammar Tariq edited this page Nov 6, 2021 · 1 revision


Post Creation

(i) User creates a post and sends to group
  • addObjectListener() listens for new posts added to canvas
  • Uses sendObjectToGroup() to store the post in Firebase
(ii) User receives a post created by another user
  • In ngOnInit(), canvas gets attached to an observable which listens for newly-created posts from Firebase
  • When new posts are added, handleAddFromGroup() is invoked which parses the post and uses syncBoard() to add the parsed post to the canvas

Post Movement / Modification

(iii) User moves a post from one location to another
  • movingObjectListener() listens for moving posts on canvas
  • Sends updated post to Firebase
(iv) User receives a moved post from other users
  • In ngOnInit(), canvas gets attached to an observable which listens for modified posts from Firebase
  • When posts are moved, handleModificationFromGroup() is invoked which parses the post and uses syncBoard() to update the parsed post on the canvas

Post Deletion

(v) User deletes a post on the canvas
  • removeObjectListener() listens for deleted posts on canvas
  • Once a post is deleted, it updates the post with a removed flag and sends it to Firebase
(vi) Users receives a message that a post was deleted
  • In ngOnInit(), canvas gets attached to an observable which listens for modified posts from Firebase
  • When posts are deleted, handleModificationFromGroup() is invoked which parses the post and uses syncBoard() to delete the post from the canvas
  • syncBoard() looks for the removed flag to be true and if so, it removes the post from the user's canvas