#Protocol web service
There are maven profiles -P toxbank and -P enm for ToxBank and eNanoMapper protocol services, respectively.
API documentation http://enanomapper.github.io/API/
The tests assume
##-P toxbank
CREATE USER 'guest'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'guest';
GRANT ALL ON tb.* TO 'guest'@'localhost';
GRANT execute on procedure `tb`.createProtocolVersion to guest@localhost;
####Test DB
GRANT ALL ON `tb-test`.* TO 'guest'@'localhost';
GRANT execute on procedure `tb-test`.createProtocolVersion to guest@localhost;
##-P enm
CREATE USER 'guest'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'guest';
GRANT ALL ON enmprotocol.* TO 'guest'@'localhost';
GRANT execute on procedure `enmprotocol`.createProtocolVersion to guest@localhost;
#####Test DB
GRANT ALL ON `enmp_test`.* TO 'guest'@'localhost';
GRANT execute on procedure `enmp_test`.createProtocolVersion to guest@localhost;
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