Summary: This software is meant for CentOS 6.9 VM from: Currently, this VM does not contain the proper config files for networking capabilities. The files missing are /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 and /etc/sysconfig/network. The lack of the existence and proper configuration of these files will not allow for the VM to reach out to the network or have Internet access.
- Download the osboxesCentOSConfig package
- Unzip
- Open terminal and do: a. "su" # Default osboxes root password is: b. "chmod +x /path/to/" c. "./"
- Once the script has run then your system will reboot
- Upon reboot do: a. "su" b. "ifconfig"
- Make sure that "eth0" has become a networking device a. Test networking by pinging the host machine. b. Test Internet by opening Firefox or "wget [some_url]" ==> You should see a "200 Ok" response.
** So far this works for Bridged Networking on VMware Workstation
Help: For any questions please contact Elijah Reyes [email protected]