A curated collection of essential tools, resources, and utilities for frontend developers. PR's are welcome!
- Altair GraphQL Client - A beautiful feature-rich GraphQL Client
- ColorZilla - Color picker and analyzer
- Empty Cache Button - Cache clearing made easy
- GraphQL Developer Tools - GraphQL development panel
- JSON Lite - Fast JSON viewer for large files
- Open Pesticide - CSS layout debugging
- React Developer Tools - React debugging essentials
- Web Developer Checklist - Best practices analyzer
- Tota11y - Accessibility visualization toolkit
- React Developer Tools - React debugging essentials
- Redux DevTools - State management debugging
- Grid Ruler - Grid measurement tool
- Design Grid Overlay - Grid system overlay
- ColorZilla - Color picker
- VisBug - Visual debugging
- Wappalyzer - Tech stack analyzer
- JSON Viewer Awesome - JSON response formatter
- Axe - Accessibility checker
- Spider - Web scraping tool
- WhatFont - Font identifier
- Lighthouse - Performance auditing
- Vue.js DevTools - Vue.js debugging
- CSS Tricks - Comprehensive CSS resources
- CSS Stats - CSS analyzer
- Every Layout - Modern CSS layouts
- CSS Matic - CSS generator tools
- CSS Reference - Visual CSS guide
- CSS Triggers - Performance guide
- CSS Effects Snippets - Ready-to-use effects
- Animatopy - CSS animations
- Can I Use - Browser support tables
- CSS Grid Generator - Visual grid builder
- Grid Malven - Grid cheatsheet
- Flexbox Malven - Flexbox guide
- CSS Transform - Transform examples
- CSSFX - Copy-paste effects
- Carbon Design System - IBM's design system
- Bulma - Modern CSS framework
- Codyhouse - Components library
- Hint.css - CSS tooltips
- Skeleton - Lightweight framework
- Mini.css - Minimal framework
- Material Kit React - Material Design
- Material UI - React components
- React Bootstrap - Bootstrap for React
- React Virtualized - Large data rendering
- Argon Design System - Bootstrap 4
- BlueprintJS - UI toolkit
- Semantic UI - Development framework
- React Toolbox - Material Design
- React Desktop - Native desktop experience
- Onsen UI - Mobile apps framework
- Evergreen - Design system
- Reactstrap - Bootstrap 4 React
- Rebass - Primitive components
- Grommet - Mobile-first components
- Elemental UI - React UI toolkit
- Rsuite - Suite of components
- Belle - Configurable components
- React MD - Material Design
- Prime React - UI framework
- Kendo React UI - Professional UI
- Nivo - Data visualization
- Dumper.js - Variable inspector
- Laxxx - Scroll animations
- Nano React App - Minimal React
- React Proto - UI prototyping
- React Cosmos - Component dev tool
- Guppy - React.js task runner
- React Lifecycle Visualizer - Lifecycle methods
- Why Did You Render - Re-render detector
- React SVGR - SVG to React converter
- Nucleo - Icon manager
- Octicons - GitHub's icons
- Xicons - Icon sets
- Spovv - Tourist icons
- Pixel Buddha - Vector icons
- Feather Icons - Simple icons
- Font Awesome - Icon font
- IcoMoon - Icon font maker
- Iconmonstr - Icon search
- Remix Icon - Open source icons
- Icons8 - Icons and resources
- Flaticon - Vector icons
- Fontello - Icon fonts
- Sparkk - SVG icons
- Google Sans Font - Google's font
- Cereal Airbnb Font - Airbnb's font
- Font Squirrel - Free fonts
- Urban Fonts - Free fonts
- Google Fonts - Web fonts
- Geo Pattern - SVG generator
- Pattern Library - Background patterns
- Hero Patterns - SVG backgrounds
- Humaaans - Illustration library
- unDraw - Open source illustrations
- Pexels - Stock photos
- Unsplash - Stock photos
- Gradient Magic - CSS gradients
- Colormind - Color scheme AI
- Coolors - Color schemes
- Branition - Branding colors
- Colors and Fonts - Color/font pairs
- Material Color Generator - Material palettes
- Templated - HTML5 templates
- Vibe - React dashboard
- Wired Dots - Bootstrap themes
- UI Cookies - Bootstrap templates
- Windframe - Tailwind prototyping
- W3Schools CSS - CSS tutorials
- Use Hooks - React Hooks recipes
- Divjoy - React codebase generator
- JavaScript Stuff - JS tools
- JS Coach - Package catalog
- unDesign - Design resources
- Laws of UX - UX principles
- UI Goodies - Designer resources
- DevDocs - API documentation
- Figma - Design tool
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!