Best It internal tool for splitting up the 'global' daily into project based dailies.
- To start the project
# Run this once to initialize project
# Must run with "bash" until initialized
bash vessel init
./vessel start
- Run composer
./vessel composer install
Edit .env to include your environment variables.
To create the db
# Running Migrations
./vessel artisan migrate
before you run the seeding command, you can change the name, email and password for the admin user in DatabaseSeeder.phpClass.
Run following to seed your database with admin user and other needed data.
# Running Seeders
./vessel artisan db:seed
The standard username and password are:
email: [email protected]
password: admin
Head to http://localhost
in your browser and see your Laravel site!
In order to send Hipchat notifications to the project members before the daily starting, setup your server and add a Cron job that is calling the Laravel artisan command:
* * * * * php /path-to-your-project/artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1