NotifyBar uses Dmitri Smirnov's jQuery plugin to create Twitter like notifications for Rails. It uses flash messages. You can visit Dmitri's website to see demos of jQuery plugin.
script/plugin install git://
Add necessary javascript and css files to your layout.
<%= stylesheet_link_tag 'jquery.notifyBar' %>
<%= javascript_include_tag 'jquery.notifyBar' %>
Add notify_bar helper in body.
<%= notify_bar %>
By default notifyBar displays flash[:notice]. If you use a different key, you can specify it with :flash option.
<%= notify_bar :flash => :success %>
To use multiple keys :
<%= notify_bar :flash => [:notice, :success] %>
If multiple keys exist, notify_bar try to find in order they added. Just displays the first one found, not all of them.
NotifyBar tries to be compatible with jQuery-Notify-bar. It uses the same options except html and jqObject . It doesn't accept html because it uses flash messages to create it. It doesn't accept jqObject because I don't know what to do with it :)
An example with all options:
<%= notify_bar :flash => [:notice, :success], :delay => 2500, :animation_speed => 'slow', :close => true, :cls => 'notify' %>
Visit here to see the explanations of the options. One special note for cls , if cls is not assigned flash option is used for cls .
Copyright (c) 2010 İ. Emre Kutlu, released under the MIT license