EVE Online Chatlog (txt) parser
$ npm install eve-chatlog
const chatlog = require('eve-chatlog');
/* => { header:
{ channelId: '((\'solarsystemid2\', 30002595),)',
channelName: 'Local',
listener: 'CCP',
sessionStarted: '2017-07-11T18:43:50Z' },
[ { timestamp: '2017-07-11T20:16:57Z',
sender: 'EVE System',
text: 'Channel changed to Local : N-7ECY' },
{ timestamp: '2017-07-11T20:18:03Z',
sender: 'EVE System',
text: 'Channel changed to Local : 4-MPSJ' },
{ timestamp: '2017-07-11T20:18:51Z',
sender: 'EVE System',
text: 'Channel changed to Local : TWJ-AW' },
{ timestamp: '2017-07-11T20:21:50Z',
sender: 'Message',
text: 'A large group of pirate ships have arrived through the gate. From the looks of it, they don\'t appear to be too friendly.' },
{ timestamp: '2017-07-11T20:27:57Z',
sender: 'Message',
text: 'More ships have arrived through the gate.' } ],
byteLength: 1476 }
Type: string
Path to chatlog (txt) file.
Type: integer
Default: 0
Used when checking for changes in logs, so you don't have to parse all content again.
// Parse all logs
let firstPass = chatlog('Local_19000101_000000.txt');
// After new logs are added by EVE Client
// Resume from where 'firstPass' stopped
let secondPass = chatlog('Local_19000101_000000.txt', firstPass.byteLength);
MIT © Guilherme Serradilha