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davmen23 authored Feb 29, 2024
1 parent 61b8300 commit 2c0bc48
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Showing 16 changed files with 7,381 additions and 0 deletions.
431 changes: 431 additions & 0 deletions github_calculation/01_collect_river_data.R

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

139 changes: 139 additions & 0 deletions github_calculation/02.1_outflows_country.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
# only to make file with endpoints of river sections which contain a name.
# this specific points need to be reviewed in a GIS software and manuelly selected
# output containers are linefeatures drown in a GIS software which are next to the outflowing river. we did this only for the bigger outflowing countries. Additionally, added two outflow container after each other. the first outflow container/linefeature passes the contamination on without any interaction while the second one is a final container. inflow always flows to the same container again....
# we marked the outflow container with the attribute outflow == 1 for rivers and the first type of outflow and outflow == 2 for the final upsumming container.
# outflow == 3 and outflow == 4 correspond to the first and second outflow type which recieve all pollution of dead ends or small border crossing rivers
# author: david mennekes, PhD Student at Empa ST. Galen / ETH Zürich, Switzerland, [email protected]
# march 2021

# packages

main.path <- "Phd/mennekes/"

#load data
load(paste0(main.path, "data_modified/river_network/rivers_all01.Rdata")) #dataset with river segments connected according to the direction of flow.

#use rivers.all2 for modification in this script

rivers.all2 <- rivers.all

outflows_container <- st_read(paste0(main.path, "data_modified/river_network/outflow_lines.shp")) #this data was obtained manually in a GIS Software, country = "none" is container for NAs -> for data collection of outflowing rivers / cross boundary rivers. Or rivers that are dead ends.

#check for names. column Id is not needed
outflows_container <- outflows_container[ , -1]

#bring dataframe together with rivers.all2
#make empty rows again
names.all <- c(names(outflows_container), names(rivers.all2))

outflows_container[ , setdiff(names.all, names(outflows_container))] <- NA #make NAs
rivers.all2[ , setdiff(names.all, names(rivers.all2))] <- NA

#bring togehter
rivers.all2a <- rbind(rivers.all2, outflows_container[ , names(rivers.all2)])


#get id_all for outflows. Id_all equals to rownumber
rivers.all2a$id_all[which(!($outflow)))] <- which(!($outflow)))
#check for duplicated
sum(duplicated(rivers.all2a$id_all))#no duplicated! perfecto

#find first and last points again for flow to connections. distances should be 0
#find outflows to the "container" points
#outflow =1 for first section after outflow, =2 for second section, follows outflow = 1, =3 for outflow unknown, =4 follows =3

#find first point for outflow of =1
outflows_container_first <- st_line_sample(rivers.all2a[which(rivers.all2a$outflow == 1), ], sample = 0)
id_first1 <- which(rivers.all2a$outflow == 1)

#find last points
outflows_container_last <- st_line_sample(rivers.all2a[which(rivers.all2a$outflow == 1), ], sample = 1)

#find first points for outflow =2
outflows_container_first2 <- st_line_sample(rivers.all2a[which(rivers.all2a$outflow == 2), ], sample = 0)
id_first2 <- which(rivers.all2a$outflow == 2)

#find last points for rivers.all2
last_rivers <- st_line_sample(rivers.all2a, sample = 1)

### find nearest feature between last points rivers.all2a und first piont outflows=1

nrst.last <- st_nearest_feature(outflows_container_first, last_rivers)

#check distances:
dist.d <- st_distance(outflows_container_first, rivers.all2a[nrst.last, ], by_element = T) #passt

if(sum(as.numeric(dist.d)) != 0){warning("some endpoints are not connected to rivernetwork!")}

#write flow to into rivers.all
rivers.all2a$flow_to[nrst.last] <- id_first1

#find nearst. feature for outflow =1 to outflow =2

nrst.outflow <- st_nearest_feature(outflows_container_last, outflows_container_first2) #caution. the row numbers are only in relation to outflows_countainer_last

#write to rivers.all
rivers.all2a$flow_to[id_first1] <- id_first2[nrst.outflow]

########## correct some rivers which are not really connected but have contamination in flow
#correct lago maggiore, da läuft etwas falsch und die Flüsse laufen nicht raus. deshalb händische zuordnung zum richtigen ausfluss
w <- rivers.all2a$id_all[grepl("Maggiore", rivers.all2a$name_2) & !($type_lake))]
rivers.all2a$flow_to[w] <- 441452
#exception: tresa (outflow lugano lake) flows to lago maggior (thats a fact)
rivers.all2a$flow_to[245951] <- 322929
rivers.all2a[245951, ] #check name

# more corrections, specific to certain rows / river segments. only in our model because of the data we used.
rivers.all2a$flow_to[145582] <- 65252
rivers.all2a$flow_to[161662] <- 151698
rivers.all2a$flow_to[137386] <- 161435
rivers.all2a$flow_to[119416] <- 64103
rivers.all2a$flow_to[330682] <- 107754
rivers.all2a$flow_to[330731] <- 82724
rivers.all2a$flow_to[229408] <- 2262
rivers.all2a$flow_to[56105] <- 297158
rivers.all2a$flow_to[169845] <- 118141
rivers.all2a$flow_to[158965] <- 258322

# handle all rivers that flow to NA

rivers.all2a$flow_to[$flow_to)] <- rivers.all2a$id_all[which(rivers.all2a$outflow == 3)] #all flow to with NA flowing to the container of NAs which is the outflow =3

#outflow=3 flows to outflow=4
rivers.all2a$flow_to[which(rivers.all2a$outflow == 3)] <- rivers.all2a$id_all[which(rivers.all2a$outflow == 4)]

#outflows =2 and outflow=4 flow to each self.. for control
rivers.all2a$flow_to[which(rivers.all2a$outflow %in% c(2,4))] <- rivers.all2a$id_all[which(rivers.all2a$outflow %in% c(2,4))]

rivers.all2 <- rivers.all2a
save(rivers.all2, file = paste0(main.path, "data_modified/river_network/rivers_all3.Rdata")) #save in temp_data folder. should be created..

rm(list = ls())

242 changes: 242 additions & 0 deletions github_calculation/02.3_get_flow_velocities.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
# connect discharge data from old maps (old crs) with data used here
# author: david mennekes; [email protected]


#load data

# wd

#main path
main.path <- "PhD/mennekes/"

#new data
load(paste0(main.path, "temp_data/rivers_all3.Rdata"))
rivers_LV05 <- st_transform(rivers.all3, 21781) #transform to old CRS for connecting with simulated data by swisstopo


#old data with discharge information
# for Switzerland discharge data is available but only for older maps.
MQ_GWN_CH <- read.csv("~/PhD/data/karten/mittlerer Q/MQ-GWN-CH/Datensatz/MQ_GWN_CH.txt", header=T)

#load old gwn25 (CRS95)
gwn25 <- st_read("PhD/data/karten/swisstopo/200901_mennekes/200901_mennekes/Vec25_LV03_2008/gwn_25_l.shp") #available upon request
st_crs(gwn25) = 21781 #assign crs CH1903 to CH1903

#test: showing the same seciton?
plot(st_geometry(gwn25[gwn25$GWLNR == "CH0006420000", ]))
plot(st_geometry(rivers_LV05[rivers_LV05$GWL_NR == "CH0006420000", ]), col = "red", add = T)

gwn_Q <- merge(gwn25, MQ_GWN_CH, by.y = "OBJECTID_GWN25", all.x = T, by.x = "OBJECTID")
gwn_Q <- gwn_Q[ , c("MQN_JAHR", "GEWISSNR", "geometry")] #select only needed data

# 1.) get Data from discharge stations in Switzerland
# read data from stations
f_long <- list.files("PhD/data/karten/mittleren Abflüsse für Stationen/Q/",full.names = T) # available upon request

Q_station <- data.frame(Station_NR = rep(NA, length(f_long)),
river = NA,
discharge = NA,
Parameter = NA,
Parametereinheit = NA)

#read all values from all files
for (i in 1:length(f_long)) {
t <- read.csv(f_long[i], sep=";", skip = 8)
Q_station[i, "Station_NR"] <- t$Stationsnummer
Q_station[i, "river"] <- t$Gewässer
Q_station[i, "discharge"] <- t$Wert
Q_station[i, "Parameter"] <- t$Parameter
Q_station[i, "Parametereinheit"] <- t$Parametereinheit

unique(Q_station$Parametereinheit) # change l/s to m3/s -> *0.001
unique(Q_station$Parameter) #nur Abfluss: keine Seewasserstände

#change all discharge to same unit (m3/s)
Q_station$discharge[Q_station$Parametereinheit == "l/s"] <- Q_station$discharge[Q_station$Parametereinheit == "l/s"]*0.001
Q_station$Parametereinheit <- "m3/s"

# change discharge to flow velocity based on paper with IOWA, USA, Dataset
Q_station$flow_velocity <- 0.3*Q_station$discharge^0.228

plot(Q_station$flow_velocity, Q_station$discharge)

##### connect discharge with station location. station location than will be connected to river location
#read locations of station according to shapefile
location_station <- st_read("PhD/data/karten/mittleren Abflüsse für Stationen/hydrometrische_Stationen_2019/lhg_UBST.shp")
st_crs(location_station) <- 21781 #assign coordinate system to shapefile
location_station <- location_station[location_station$lhg_code == "lhg_fluss", ]#filter only river discharge

sum(duplicated(gwn25$OBJECTID)) #test for duplicates

rivers_LV05_2 <- rivers_LV05[as.numeric(st_length(rivers_LV05))>0, ] #use only existing rivers

#assign discharge of station to river section based on
close_river <- st_nearest_feature(location_station, rivers_LV05_2) #row from close river
dis_close <- st_distance(location_station, rivers_LV05_2[close_river, ], by_element = T)
location_station$loc_ID <- 1:nrow(location_station)
location_station[which(as.numeric(dis_close) >100), c("lhg_name", "loc_ID")]
rivers_LV05_2[close_river[which(as.numeric(dis_close) >100)], "NAME"] #we deleted the following lines: 189 & 216, 217
unique(close_river) #delete data which was wrongly associated

location_station$river_idall <- rivers_LV05$id_all[close_river] # GWSNR is an ID for each river given by the data.
location_station <- location_station[-c(189,216, 217), ] #delete
location_station <- location_station[!(location_station$river_idall %in% close_river[duplicated(close_river)]), ] #duplicated -> delete

Q_station_compl <- merge(location_station, Q_station, by.y = "Station_NR", all.x = T, by.x = "EDV_NR4")$discharge)
Q_station_compl <- Q_station_compl[!($discharge)), ] #delete all rows with no discharge

# 2.) use data from discharge modelling by swisstopo
# assign data to the new data set
gwn_Q_woNA <- na.omit(gwn_Q) #entries with NA value in gwn_Q
gwn_Q_woNA$flow_velocity <- 0.3*gwn_Q_woNA$MQN_JAHR^0.228 #calculate flow velocity based on paper

rivers_LV05$discharge <- NA
rivers_LV05$flow_velocity <- NA
rivers_LV05$flow_velocity_type <- NA

#Search for same GewissNR (ID by the data set) and a distance less than 10m
for (i in 1:nrow(gwn_Q_woNA)) {
z <- which(gwn_Q_woNA$GEWISSNR[i] == rivers_LV05$GEWISS_NR) #find all sections with same GWN_NR
if(length(z) < 1){
next #if not found, skip
z2 <- which(as.numeric(st_distance(gwn_Q_woNA[i, ], rivers_LV05[z, ], by_element = T)) < 10) #one segment in the old data set gwn_Q_woNA might be represented by muliple segments in the newer data set rivers_LV05
rivers_LV05$flow_velocity[z[z2]] <- gwn_Q_woNA$flow_velocity[i] #use the flow velocity
rivers_LV05$discharge[z[z2]] <- gwn_Q_woNA$MQN_JAHR[i]
rivers_LV05$flow_velocity_type[z[z2]] <- "model BAFU" #set type to model bafu

rivers_LV05[which(rivers_LV05$OBJEKTART == 6), c("flow_velocity", "flow_velocity_type", "discharge")] <- NA #overwrite values for lakes with NA in case something did go wrong
file = paste0(main.path, "temp_data/get_flow_v_rivers_LV05.Rdata")) #save

########## load data
load(paste0(main.path, "temp_data/get_flow_v_rivers_LV05.Rdata"))

#### connect flow velocity with rivers.all3
rivers.all4 <- rivers.all3 #create new data frame
rivers.all4$isLake <- F
rivers.all4$isLake[!($volume))] <- T #make T / F for lake
rivers.all4$flow_velocity <- rivers_LV05$flow_velocity
rivers.all4$flow_velocity_type <-rivers_LV05$flow_velocity_type
rivers.all4$discharge <- rivers_LV05$discharge
# rm(rivers.all3)
# rm(rivers_LV05)

#add information from station measurements Q_stations_comp
# use mean values between measured and modelled
rivers.all4$flow_velocity[Q_station_compl$river_idall] <- rowMeans(
data.frame(a = rivers.all4$flow_velocity[Q_station_compl$river_idall],
b = Q_station_compl$flow_velocity), na.rm = T)

rivers.all4$flow_velocity_type[Q_station_compl$river_idall] <- "measurement"
rivers.all4$discharge[Q_station_compl$river_idall] <- Q_station_compl$discharge
save(rivers.all4, file = paste0(main.path, "temp_data/rivers_all4.Rdata"))

### pass on known velocities
# if velocity is known in a section i but unknown in the section downstream of i (i+1) then section i+1 get velocity from section i. If two velocities could be passed on the higher one will be used. Assuming this would be the main river

# set marker for rivers that have unknown flow velocity. These data can´t be overwritten
rivers.all4$is_known_v <- F
rivers.all4$is_known_v[!($flow_velocity))] <- T
known_v_id <- which(rivers.all4$is_known_v == T) #here flow velocity is known

u <- 0
v <- 0
for (i in 1:500) { #set high number to also take over higher flow velocities in larger rivers
print(paste(u-sum($flow_velocity), na.rm = T), "more explained"))
print(paste0("change sum velocity", v -sum(rivers.all4$flow_velocity, na.rm = T)))
v <- sum(rivers.all4$flow_velocity, na.rm = T)
u <- sum($flow_velocity), na.rm = T)

df <- data.frame(id = rivers.all4$flow_to, #get ids wo es hinfließt
fv = rivers.all4$flow_velocity) #get flow velocity von vorherigen Flusssection
df2 <- df %>% filter(!( %>% group_by(id) %>% summarise(max_v = max(fv, na.rm = T)) # group by ID to determine maximum value when multiple rivers flow into one single river. Use the maximum flow velocity based on the assumption that velocity becomes rather higher than lower in average

df2 <- df2[!(df2$id %in% known_v_id), ] #filter all ids which are known by measurement or models
# write the found velocity inrivers.all 4
rivers.all4$flow_velocity[df2$id] <- df2$max_v
rivers.all4$flow_velocity_type[df2$id] <- "uebernommen"



##### find solutions for all river sections that do not have a flow velocity yet
# a) river sections above 1800m are mountaineous rivers -> flow velocity == 0.5

#select all rivers where velocity is NA and height of last river part ist above 1800m and not lake
i1 <- rivers.all4$id_all[$flow_velocity) & rivers.all4$height_last>1800 & !(rivers.all4$isLake)]
rivers.all4$flow_velocity[i1] <- 0.5
rivers.all4$flow_velocity_type[i1] <- "above1800"

#below 1800m
i2 <- rivers.all4$id_all[$flow_velocity) & rivers.all4$height_last<1800 & !(rivers.all4$isLake)]
rivers.all4$flow_velocity[i2] <- 0.25
rivers.all4$flow_velocity_type[i2] <- "below1800"

# rest
i3 <- rivers.all4$id_all[$flow_velocity) & !(rivers.all4$isLake)]
rivers.all4$flow_velocity[i3] <- 0.25
rivers.all4$flow_velocity_type[i3] <- "rest"

rivers.all4$discharge[$discharge)] <- 0.05

#collect total inflow into one lake

#inflow to lakes to determine residence times for lakes. This is used for rough estimation of amount of plastics in the lake
lake_id <- as.numeric(na.omit(unique(rivers.all4$FID_poly_s)))
rivers.all4$inflow_discharge <- NA
for (i in lake_id) {
x <- which(rivers.all4$FID_poly_s == i)
ids.x <- unique(which(rivers.all4$flow_to %in% x))
rivers.all4$inflow_discharge[x] <- sum(rivers.all4$discharge[ids.x], na.rm = T)
rivers.all4$verweilzeiten <- rivers.all4$volume/rivers.all4$inflow_discharge #in seconds

rivers.all4$verweilzeiten[which(is.infinite(rivers.all4$verweilzeiten))] <- 100 #lakes without inflow. but also have not input of plastics...

save(rivers.all4, file = paste0(main.path, "temp_data/rivers_all4.Rdata"))
rm(list = ls())


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