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This app, User Verification System, is a basic CAPTCHA-style program to verify the end-user is a human rather than a bot. It can also be utilized for machine learning applications related to picture recognition. Click here to launch the app!

This project is Unit 1 end assignment from General Assembly's Software Engineering Immersive program. For more information on the specifications of the assignment please reference Appendix A: Unit 1 Project Assignment from General Assembly.

Click here to see the currently deployment version of this app.

Table of Contents

  1. Instructions for Use
    1. Methodology
    2. Usage Notes
  2. Version Notes
  3. Tech Framework
  4. APIs
  5. Future Plans
  6. Contribute
  7. Special Thanks
  8. Appendices
    1. Appendix A: Unit 1 Project Assignment from General Assembly
    2. Appendix B: Product Screenshots & Images

Instructions for Use


The user starts on a page with a random picture of either a dog, a car, or pizza. Next to the image are four buttons:

  1. Dog
  2. Cat
  3. Pizza
  4. Other

The user clicks a the button matching the subject of the image. When this happens the image will be shown a new image and repeat the process. After the user attempts to identify the subject of six images they'll be given a report based on their success.

Success If the user successfully identifies the subject in at least 5 of the 6 images they'll be congratulated as either a human or a computer program developed by an engineer with strong skills in machine learning.

Failure If the user fails to successfully identify the subject in at least 5 of the 6 images they'll be informed they are likely a computer and console the engineer about its performance.

Usage Notes

  • A number of features in the program were implemented to prevent reasoned guessing at the subject of the image without being able to identify it visually.
    • The API results will appear in a randomized sequence. There is no correlation between the subject of one image and the next.
    • The APIs will be queried for twice as many pictures as the user will be shown. Correct answers will not be evenly distributed between the three categories.
    • All pictures are of dogs, cats, or pizza. The Other button will never be the correct button short of either more API calls being implemented at a later date or one of the APIs erroneously supplying an off-theme image. The developer looked at several hundred images and did not find any such images.
    • The user is not informed how many guesses they have made correctly or incorrectly. The app will also show 6 images in total even if the user reaches the threshold of incorrect answers to trigger failure.
  • This is a mobile-responsive app although the mobile and desktop/tablet variants are functionally identical. The only differences are minor stylistic changes related to maintaining a reasonable size and scale for a smaller screen. Please reference Appendix B: Product Screenshots & Images for further information.
  • The event listener for button clicks has a different argument hard-coded into each place it's called in the template HTML. This argument is compared to metadata in each image JSON to determine whether the correct button was clicked.
  • The number of pictures the user must correctly identify to be verified as a human as well as the total number of pictures the user is shown by the app can both be modulated easily.
    • Change the value of state.turingThreshold to positive integer to adjust how many correct guesses the user needs to log to be judged human.
    • Change the value of state.maxWrong to any positive integer to adjust how many wrong guesses the user will be allowed to make and still pass the verification test.
    • These two values are the bedrock values that the app uses to function. So long as both numbers are positive integers the code will adjust to them. If someone forks this repo and uses the app as a module in their project they don't need to worry about entering incompatible values that cause to crash or needing to make other adjustments to the code.
  • Clicking the app title User Verification System will re-initialize the app while resetting necessary values in state to their initial values where necessary.

Version Notes

The 1.1.2 version of this app is currently uploaded. In cases where I update the README without any updates to the website itself I do not update the version number or use branches for my work. Each version number will lack a commit number until the next version is uploaded. The current commit number is always added retroactively. In general, for version number format X.Y.Z:

  • X: increases in this number represent a complete overhaul of some section of the website, source code, or UI
  • Y: increases in this number represent a major functional change/aesthetic change or addition to the app
  • Z: increases in this number represent changes that are relatively minor but still warrant a new commit

Version 0.1.0 is the first version with the full range of intended functions successfully implemented. Version 1.0.0 is the first to be both full functional and styled with optimized coding.

v 0.0.1 | 04 March 2021 | commit c2fd1e8b40cc31e1aa6d16be0b3614aa4cd97e9b | Initial Commit

  • Set up boilerplate HTML in index.html.
  • Linked styles.css and scripts.js to index.html.

v 0.0.2 | 04 March 2021 | commit 4c6d86f9375793ce0239111538cfe7d6e472d510

  • Created basic HTML containers.
  • API calls are set up and returning positive results.

v 0.0.3 | 04 March 2021 | commit 9445f6af20eeaed06ccc1f3b1e20957bb646b259

  • API results are being formatted into JSONs and populated into an array in state appropriate for use by the app.
  • Sequence of API results in the results array is now randomized.

v 0.0.4 | 04 March 2021 | commit acbc7be8ddbfd1b3f2d49ea57ff44f499b65159b

  • First picture in the API results array is rendering.
  • Buttons are rendered.

v 0.0.5 | 04 March 2021 | commit d10a9dbfdf1b0cb399a5ed49c814865b6abef325

  • Created click handlers and attached them to buttons.

v 0.0.6 | 04 March 2021 | commit 27008ddb621f7103eca827a0b107b3a197e0cc93

  • App is applying logic to determine if button clicks are correct or incorrect.

v 0.0.7 | 04 March 2021 | commit 5abc99a1bada7a96ac6a3378f2aaee84a3d1da68

  • No significant changes. I accidentally made a commit in this directory while working on a different project. Oops.

v 0.0.8 | 05 March 2021 | commit 2ee7208104c15c45f4072d72af7edf4e8ac029d2

  • App now loops through every picture in the array.
  • Created remote repository on GitHub and pushed code.

v 0.1.0 | 05 March 2021 | commit d29074c205883fda82de09123393260e24f717f5

  • App displays results of Turing test once all pictures have been looped.
  • Basic functionality is complete (needs additional work before initial deployment).

v 0.1.1 | 05 March 2021 | commit 420e30d9897a58d25ffcbebbf93b23f91ccbaf10

  • Built out
  • Increased the number of API calls made by the app to increase picture set randomization.
  • Added custom fonts.
  • Worked on object centering and spacing.
  • Added an instructions box.
  • Implemented a color scheme.

v 0.1.2 | 05 March 2021 | commit 927a7017b3ed04e46d31a08f567044a36157225c

  • Buttons highlight with an outline on mouse hover.

v 1.0.0 | 07 March 2021 | commit eb4a7ae64cb8f456e367eaf7c55dbad40a29075c

  • App is styled, optimized, functional, and ready for deployment.
  • Fixed vertical spacing issues.
  • Added <header> and <footer> sections.
  • Refactored code for several improvements.
    • Better separation of concerns.
    • Reduced functions to one-liners where feasible.
    • Functions only run asynchronously when necessary.
  • Added mobile-device responsiveness.
  • Added screenshots of product variants and wireframe mockup to file.

v 1.0.1 | 07 March 2021 | commit 37c7a67bb17632ba1ad0a83bf29f2f280aab2332

  • Fixed mis-labeled images in file.

v 1.0.2 | 08 March 2021 | commit a92d5329c15ac8df16f54878e577dabbc9acea95

  • Refactored getImages() to run with a do...while loop instead of a for loop. The while condition runs API queries a number of times relative to state.turingThreshold. This will increase stability by reducing the chance someone else forks and uses the app and changes values to produce an insufficient number of images compared to state.turingThreshold for the app to work.
  • Refactored user-interactable elements (all <a> elements and hyperlinks) out of template HTML and into variables. Variables are then injected into HTML template literals.

v 1.0.3 | 08 March 2021 | commit 6f65db8b4cc8b2c1af366432fcc70c6d927048a3

  • Removed console.log() statements and other testing/validation code.

v 1.0.4 | 10 March 2021 | commit 117e93a97ee292428ca3847cc0c69f6ac8ab1080

  • Deployed app to surge and updated with a link.

v 1.0.5 | 10 March 2021 | commit 0a066d611504114851c65f06b636ab1f10c12faf

  • Fixed errata in Version Notes in file.

v 1.0.6 | 10 March 2021 | commit 395b6e45f01c6d436f4847d81716e49fcbda7fa8

  • Made a document title to the index.html file <head> section.
  • Added TODOs in the file.
  • Created alt-text for images in the file.
  • Added a favicon.

v 1.0.7 | 10 March 2021 | commit a933bfe01466519a606203b55f5165b345a458b3

  • Fixed formatting issue with alt-text in images.

v 1.0.8 | 10 March 2021 | commit 30f7345823441fe1721f97a1797e5f4d75218510

  • Fixed spelling and grammatical errors in the file I'd somehow missed.
  • Fixed script compiling error in HTML <head> related to favicons.

v 1.1.0 | 11 March 2021 | commit 0ae5f1909a5b35b04a19498d835196d5f4c3a779

  • Reorganized file structure holding images. Only affects images in the, updated filepaths where they're linked.
  • Added a Table of Contents and internal hyperlinking to
  • Refactored app to make the total number of allowable incorrect guesses easier to modulate.
  • Moved HTML template generation out of turingTest() and into a dedicated function renderTestResult().
  • Clicking the app title in the <header> element re-initializes the app and resets state values as necessary.

v 1.1.1 | 20 June 2021 | commit be02e034577c3e7c0fb4f3c844894e429ab5a238

  • Fixed formatting error in Table of Contents.
  • Added a link to the hosted site in the Introduction.

v 1.1.2 | [DATE] | commit -- | Current Version

  • Fixed formatting error in Table of Contents.
  • Added a link to the hosted site in the Introduction.

Tech Framework

This app uses:

  • HTML5 and CSS
  • JavaScript ES6

I built this app with:

This app is hosted at:



Dog images were supplied by the Dog API. This API is free, open-source, and does not require authentication. The Dog API welcomes your support to help it continue providing its services. API

Cat images were supplied by the API. This API is free, open-source, and does not require authentication. You can support the API at the prior link to help it continue providing its services.

Foodish API

Pizza images were supplied by the Foodish API. This API is free, open-source, and does not require authentication. You can support Foodish to help it continue providing its services.

Future Plans

  • Refactor the code to exist entirely within JSON to increase modularity.
    • Compartmentalize <header> and <footer> elements so that they're easier to remove if incorporating the app as a module in a larger project.
  • Incorporate more subject-specific picture APIs to increase validity of the Other button.
  • Eliminate state.currPictureSubject by having clickHandler() look directly in the picture's metadata rather than holding the current image's type in state.
  • Refactor app to decide number and types of images and then query APIs rather than to query APIs and choose pictures from returns. This will reduce the number of API calls and decrease initial loading time.
  • Refactor the app to process API calls and other processes on the back end so that the user cannot access metadata used for verification in the front end.


Although I'm always interested in meeting new collaborators I prefer to keep this an individual project as a skills demonstrator.

I'm happy to let anyone reuse my code so long as you contact me for advance permission and give attribution where appropriate. Some materials are specified in this README as proprietary material from General Assembly and should only be used with the direct permission of General Assembly.

If you'd like to learn more about the developer, please visit my website and my GitHub.

Special Thanks


Appendix A: Unit 1 Project Assignment from General Assembly

Information in this section was reproduced with the permission of General Assembly. Please do not copy or republish without the direct permission from General Assembly to do so.


Your first SEI project will be something cool - an app that makes API calls!

Everyone will get a chance to be creative and work through some tough programming challenges. You got your feet wet with Tic-Tac-Toe, and we built the guessing game during class and the YeTay App we coded together in class - now it’s time to step it up a notch.

You will be working individually on this project.

As a reminder, GA has a zero-plagiarism policy - your project’s code must be substantially yours. Do not copy code from similar projects or other sources. However, using code from StackOverflow to accomplish general techniques/algorithms is okay - for example, a line of code that replaces a character at a specific position in a string.


You will have an absolute maximum of 8 minutes to present your project following these guidelines:

  1. Introduce the Project:
  • Intro your app by paraphrasing the README.
  1. Demonstrate the Project:
  • Launch the app by clicking the link in the README.

  • Demonstrate the app!

  1. Show/discuss your code:
  • Briefly show the HTML & CSS.

  • Show the JavaScript and discuss your favorite function.

  1. Share the experience:
  • What was your biggest challenge?

  • What are your key learnings/takeaways?

Q & A + Feedback may also follow your presentation but is not part of the time structure.

How you structure your presentation is ultimately up to you as long as you cover the above points, but others have found success by following the above order and spending a roughly equal amount of time speaking to the above 4 points.

Technical Requirements

Your App MUST:

  • Render an application in the browser.

  • Use either Bootstrap, Materialize, or your own custom, well-styled CSS.

  • Include at least two (2) APIs with different endpoints

  • Include separate HTML, CSS & JavaScript files.

  • Have properly indented HTML, CSS & JavaScript. Additionally, vertical whitespace needs to be consistent.

  • No remaining dead or commented out code (code never called).

  • Have functions and variables that are named sensibly. Remember, functions should typically be verbs and variables (data) named as nouns.

  • Have consistent code choices. For example, choose between your preference for function declarations vs. function expressions.

  • Be deployed online so that the rest of the world can use it!

Necessary Deliverables

  • The code for a working application that meets or exceeds the above technical requirements, built by you, and hosted on the internet (covered next week).

  • A file with these sections:

    • <Your app’s title>: A description of your app. What was your inspiration?

    • Getting Started: Include a link to your deployed app and any instructions you deem important.

    • Screenshot(s): Images of your actual app.

    • Technologies Used: List of the technologies used, e.g., JavaScript, HTML, CSS…

    • Next Steps: Planned future enhancements (icebox items).

      • Don’t underestimate the value of a well crafted The introduces your project to prospective employers and forms their first impression of your work!
  • Frequent commits that date back to the very beginning of the project. Never delete your repo to “start over”. Commit messages should be in the present tense. Be sure to create the repo on your personal GitHub account and ensure that it is public.


  • Theme your app to give it a more personal touch and make it more unique!

  • Use your Development Tools (Chrome DevTools rock!) to debug and solve issues.

  • Please keep it simple. Minimum Viable Product (MVP) functionality that looks great is better than extra functionality added to an app without polish.

  • Review and check the Project 1 Code Review regularly to ensure that your project will meet the minimum requirements.

  • Consult documentation and other resources to understand methods, etc.

  • Write DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) code. Check for repeating code and refactor into functions that accept arguments.

Appendix B: Product Screenshots & Images

Desktop Variant

Desktop Variant Screenshot

Mobile Variant

Mobile Variant Screenshot

Wireframe Mockup

Wireframe Mockup


No description, website, or topics provided.






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