This container builds on the official elasticsearch image. Currently installing elasticsearch 2.2.1 Available at ddogs/elasticsearch
docker run ddogs/elasticsearch
Optionally you can override specific elasticsearch configuration settings:
docker run ddogs/elasticsearch"awesome_node"
Example docker-compose file:
image: ddogs/elasticsearch
hostname: elasticsearch
privileged: true
- ./storage:/usr/share/elasticsearch/data
- ./config:/usr/share/elasticsearch/config
- "9200:9200/tcp"
- "9300:9300/tcp"
As seen above, you can map specific volumes for your data directory and your own elasticsearch config YML file.
NOTE: privileged mode is required, because of performance optimizations (memlock unlimited). (Source: Hewlett-Packard-ESS/docker-elasticsearch
To start an elasticsearch cluster, you can use the cluster.yml file for docker-compose. It starts 3 elasticsearch data nodes and one client node. The ports 9200 and 9300 of the client-node are exposed.
The following elasticsearch plugins are installed in the image:
By default, only WARN and above will be visible in the stdout and subsequently docker logs. INFO and above are logged to /storage/logs
This docker application is distributed unter the MIT License (MIT).
Elasticsearch itself is licensed under the Apache License.