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🔮 Solve all your problems with this framework! (or maybe not)


  • php >= 8.0
  • pm2

Steps to run a script using this framework:

1) Create the files

  • Create a folder named as you want (we will use Example/ in this example)
  • Create a file named entrypoint.php, this will be the entrypoint of you solution
  • Create a file for your actual script class (ExampleScript.php)
  • Create a file for you script parameters class (ExampleParameters.php)

2) Define the parameters you will need in your script

Your class has to extend the Solver\Parameters class.


namespace Solutions\Example;

use Solver\Parameters;

class ExampleParameters extends Parameters
    public function __construct(
        public ?int $sleepTime = 0,
    ) {}

Every attribute must be optional in the constructor and have a default value.

3) Write your script

Now extend the Script class and implement a constructor that accepts the previously defined parameters and a run function containg the actual script code.


namespace Solutions\Example;

use Solver\Script;

class ExampleScript extends Script
    public function __construct(protected ExampleParameters $params) {}

    public function run()
        return json_encode([
            'slept' => $this->params->sleepTime

4) Write your entrypoint

As last thing we need to istantiate the solution and execute it as it follows.

To the solution you must provide

  • the script class of the script you want to run
  • a collection of parameters which for every instance the script will be executed
  • a Runner, actually there are 2 implementations of the runner, the SyncRunner, to run the solution synchronusly and a ShellRunner that runs parallel processes by launching the script for each istance of the parameters using pm2
  • an optional Notifier if you want a notify with your script results, at the moment there is only an implementation that uses Telegram, for this to work you need to set the TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN and TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID envs in the env.php file

namespace Solutions\Example;

require_once __DIR__ . "/../../vendor/autoload.php";

use Solver\Runners\ShellRunner\ShellRunner;
use Solver\Runners\SyncRunner\SyncRunner;
use Solver\Solution;

$solution = new Solution(
        new ExampleParameters(sleepTime: 5),
        new ExampleParameters(sleepTime: 100),
        new ExampleParameters(sleepTime: 0),
    // new SyncRunner,
    new ShellRunner,
    new TelegramNotifier,


At the end you will find a new folder in your script directory (solutions/Example/files/output) for the execution containing a file with the output for each Parameter instance you provided to the Solution, if you passed also a notifier you will receive a notificatin with the output file.

You will also find pm2 logs inside you root dir in the files/logs folder.


Hashcode PHP Framework






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