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Ramon Diaz-Uriarte edited this page Feb 25, 2024 · 6 revisions

Linking from Citar to Zotero

Better BibTeX has a feature to enable outside linking to an item in Zotero via "select links", which you can then use from the command line like:

xdg-open "zotero://select/items/@citekey"

Such a feature is easy to integrate with Citar.

(defun my/open-in-zotero (citekey)
  "Open a reference item in Zotero."
  (interactive (list (citar-select-ref)))
   (concat "zotero://select/items/@" citekey)))

Adding an Embark action to have the options of opening the entry in Zotero and the bib file

It is possible to configure citar-open-entry-function so that it uses citar-open-entry-in-zotero instead of the default citar-open-entry-in-file (

If you want to be able to access both options, you can add an action to the citar-embark-map: (define-key citar-embark-map (kbd "z") #'citar-open-entry-in-zotero) for example in the citar-embark use-packageform:

(use-package citar-embark
  :after citar embark
  :ensure t
  (define-key citar-embark-map (kbd "z") #'citar-open-entry-in-zotero)

Now, e will open the entry in the bib file (the default) and z in Zotero.