This library provides access to the Paymill API from a Python application.
It depends on Requests, so you'll need to install that first. The latest version of Requests reportedly works on Google App Engine.
Example of usage:
import pymill
for i in p.getcards()["data"]:
print i["id"] #show IDs for all stored cards
card=p.newcard("token from Paymill bridge goes here")["data"] #store a credit card
print card
transaction=transact(230, payment=card["id"])["data"] #Charge card with 2 Euros and 30 Cents
print transaction
ref=refund(transaction["id"],30) #refund 30 cents
print ref
Read the source to see all the functions implemented.
Here is the automatically generated help for this module:
class Pymill
| These are the parameters each object type contains
| Payment:
| id: unique payment method ID
| type: creditcard or debit
| client: id of associatied client (optional)
| created_at: unixtime
| updated_at: unixtime
| (For credit cards only)
| card_type: visa, mastercard, (maybe one day american express)
| country: country the card was issued in
| expire_month: (2ch)
| expire_year: (4ch)
| card_holder: name of cardholder
| last4: last 4 digits of card
| (For debit accounts only)
| code: the sorting code of the bank
| account: a partially masked account number
| holder: name of the account holder
| Preauthorization:
| id: unique preauthorization ID
| amount: amount preauthorized in CENTS
| status: open, pending, closed, failed, deleted, or preauth
| livemode: true or false depending on whether the transaction is real or in test mode
| payment: a credit card payment method object (see above)
| client: if a preset client (see below) was used to make the transaction. Otherwise null
| created_at: unixtime
| updated_at: unixtime
| Transaction:
| id: unique transaction ID
| amount: amount charged in CENTS
| status: open, pending, closed, failed, partial_refunded, refunded, or preauthorize (closed means success)
| description: user-selected description of the transaction
| livemode: true or false depending on whether the transaction is real or in test mode
| payment: a payment method object (see above)
| preauthorization: the preauthorization associated with this transaction (optional)
| created_at: unixtime
| updated_at: unixtime
| Refund:
| id: unique refund ID
| transaction: The unique transaction ID of the transaction being refunded
| amount: amount refunded in CENTS
| status: open, pending or refunded
| description: user-selected description of the refund
| livemode: true or false depending on whether the transaction is real or in test mode
| created_at: unixtime
| updated_at: unixtime
| Client:
| id: unique id for this client
| email: client's email address (optional)
| description: description of this client (optional)
| created_at: unix timestamp identifying time of creation
| updated_at: unix timestamp identifying time of last change
| payment: list of cc or debit objects
| subscription: subscription object (optional)
| Offer:
| id: unique offer identifier
| name: freely controllable offer name
| amount: The amount, in CENTS, to be charged every time the offer period passes. Note that ODD values will NOT work in test mode.
| interval: "week", "month", or "year". The client will be charged every time the interval passes
| trial_period_days: Number of days before the first charge. (optional)
| Subscription:
| id: unique subscription identifier
| offer: unique offer identifier
| livemode: true or false depending on whether the transaction is real or in test mode
| cancel_at_period_end: true if subscription is to be cancelled at the end of current period, false if to be cancelled immediately
| created_at: unix timestamp identifying time of creation
| updated_at: unix timestamp identifying time of last change
| canceled_at: unix timestamp identifying time of cancellation(optional)
| interval: "week", "month", or "year". The client will be charged every time the interval passes
| clients: array of client objects
| Methods defined here:
| __init__(self, privatekey)
| Initialize a new paymill interface connection. Requires a private key.
| cancelsubafter(self, sid, cancel=True)
| Cancels a subscription after its interval ends
| sid: string Unique subscription id
| cancel: If True, the subscription will be cancelled at the end of its interval. Set to False to undo.
| Returns: a dict with a member "data" which is a dict representing a subscription
| cancelsubnow(self, sid)
| Cancel a subscription immediately. Pending transactions will still be charged.
| sid: Unique subscription id
| Returns: a dict with an member "data"
| delcard(self, cardid)
| Delete a stored CC
| cardid: Unique id for the CC to be deleted
| Returns: a dict with an member "data" containing an empty array
| delclient(self, cid)
| Delete a stored client
| cid: Unique id for the client to be deleted
| Returns: a dict with an member "data" containing an empty array
| deloffer(self, oid)
| Delete a stored offer. May only be done if no subscriptions to this offer are active.
| oid: Unique id for the offer to be deleted
| Returns: a dict with an member "data" containing an empty array
| exportclients(self)
| Export all stored clients in CSV form
| Returns: the contents of the CSV file
| getcarddetails(self, cardid)
| Get the details of a credit card from its id.
| cardid: string Unique id for the credit card
| Returns: a dict with a member "data" containing a dict representing a CC
| getcards(self)
| List all stored cards.
| Returns: a dict with a member "data" which is an array of dicts, each representing a CC or debit card
| getclientdetails(self, cid)
| Get the details of a client from its id.
| cid: string Unique id for the client
| Returns: a dict with a member "data" which is a dict representing a client
| getclients(self)
| List all stored clients.
| Returns: a dict with a member "data" which is an array of dicts, each representing a client
| getofferdetails(self, oid)
| Get the details of an offer from its id.
| oid: string Unique id for the offer
| Returns: a dict with a member "data" which is a dict representing an offer
| getoffers(self)
| List all stored offers.
| Returns: a dict with a member "data" which is an array of dicts, each representing an offer
| getpreauth(self)
| List all preauthorizations.
| Returns: a dict with a member "data" which is an array of dicts, each representing a preauthorization
| getpreauthdetails(self, preid)
| Get details on a preauthorization.
| preid: string Unique id for the preauthorization
| Returns: a dict representing a preauthorization
| getrefdetails(self, refid)
| Get the details of a refund from its id.
| refid: string Unique id for the refund
| Returns: a dict with a member "data" which is a dict representing a refund
| getrefs(self)
| List all stored refunds.
| Returns: a dict with a member "data" which is an array of dicts, each representing a refund
| getsubdetails(self, sid)
| Get the details of a subscription from its id.
| sid: string Unique id for the subscription
| Returns: a dict with a member "data" which is a dict representing a subscription
| getsubs(self)
| List all stored subscriptions.
| Returns: a dict with a member "data" which is an array of dicts, each representing a subscription
| gettrans(self)
| List all transactions.
| Returns: a dict with a member "data" which is an array of dicts, each representing a transaction
| gettransdetails(self, tranid)
| Get details on a transaction.
| tranid: string Unique id for the transaction
| Returns: a dict representing a transaction
| newcard(self, token, client=None)
| Create a credit card from a given token.
| token: string Unique credit card token
| client: A client id number (optional)
| Returns: a dict with a member "data" containing a dict representing a CC
| newclient(self, email=None, description=None)
| Creates a new client.
| email: client's email address
| description: description of this client (optional)
| Returns: a dict with a member "data" which is a dict representing a client.
| newdebit(self, code, account, holder, client=None)
| Create a debit card from account data.
| code: A bank sorting code
| account: The account number
| holder: The name of the account holder
| client: A client id number (optional)
| Returns: a dict with a member "data" containing a dict representing a debit card
| newoffer(self, amount, interval='month', currency='eur', name=None)
| Creates a new offer
| amount: The amount in cents that are to be charged every interval
| interval: MUST be either "week", "month" or "year"
| currency: Must be "eur" if given (optional)
| name: A name for this offer
| Returns: a dict with a member "data" which is a dict representing
| an offer, or None if the amount is 0 or the interval is invalid
| newsub(self, client, offer, payment)
| Subscribes a client to an offer
| client: The id of the client
| offer: The id of the offer
| payment: The id of the payment instrument used for this offer
| Returns: a dict with a member "data" which is a dict representing a subscription
| preauth(self, amount=0, currency='eur', description=None, token=None, client=None, payment=None)
| Preauthorize a transaction (reserve value a card). You must provide an amount, and exactly one funding source.
| The amount is in cents, and the funding source can be a token or a payment id.
| amount: The amount (in CENTS) to be charged. For example, 240 will charge 2 euros and 40 cents, NOT 240 euros.
| currency: ISO4217 (optional)
| token: A token generated by the paymill bridge js library
| payment: A payment method id number. Must represent a credit card, not a debit payment.
| Returns: None if one of the required parameters is missing. A dict with a member "data" containing a preauthorization dict otherwise.
| refund(self, tranid, amount, description=None)
| Refunds an already performed transaction.
| tranid: string Unique transaction id
| amount: The amount in cents that are to be refunded
| description: A description of the refund (optional)
| Returns: a dict with a member "data" which is a dict representing a refund, or None if the amount is 0
| transact(self, amount=0, currency='eur', description=None, token=None, client=None, payment=None, preauth=None, code=None, account=None, holder=None)
| Create a transaction (charge a card or account). You must provide an amount, and exactly one funding source.
| The amount is in cents, and the funding source can be a payment method id, a token, a preauthorization or a direct debit account.
| amount: The amount (in CENTS) to be charged. For example, 240 will charge 2 euros and 40 cents, NOT 240 euros.
| currency: ISO4217 currency code (optional)
| description: A short description of the transaction (optional)
| token: A token generated by the paymill bridge js library
| client: A client id number (optional)
| payment: A payment method id number (credit card id or debit account id)
| preauth: A preauthorization id number
| code: If paying by debit, the bank sorting code
| account: If paying by debit, the account number
| holder: If paying by debit, the name of the account holder
| Returns: None if one of the required parameters is missing. A dict with a member "data" containing a transaction dict otherwise.
| updateclient(self, cid, email, description=None)
| Updates the details of a client.
| cid: string Unique client id
| email: The email of the client
| description: A description of the client (optional)
| Returns: a dict with a member "data" which is a dict representing a client
| updateoffer(self, oid, name)
| Updates the details of an offer. Only the name may be changed
| oid: string Unique offer id
| name: The new name of the offer
| Returns: a dict with a member "data" which is a dict representing an offer