The purpose of the scripts in this project is to help test command line process-programs stubbing or caching some processes in order not to run them each time they are invoked.
This suite includes following scripts:
In a nushell this script do the following:
- Validates the existance of .binstub and .stubfiles directories
- Validates that .binstub is the first path in $PATH variable. If not, some lines are added to $HOME/.bash_profile in order to prepend .binstub dir in the path
- Get a hash for command and arguments
- Run command with arguments and record hash, return code, stdout, stderr_file and full path for comand invoked
- Link prepend command to .stub_cmd_launcher.bash script
This command is invoked through a link in .binstub directory and perform following steps:
- Get a hash for command an arguments
- Validate that command + arguments exist in cache.
- In the case command + arguments are cached, shows stdout, stderr and returns registered return code.
- In the case command + arguments are not cached, command is invoked on its original path
In a nushell this script do the following:
- Validates the existance of command + arguments in cache.
- In the cases combination exists, remove entries from cache files and other files
stub.bash command arg1 arg2 \"arg3 arg4\" arg5 ... argn
Note. Keep in mind that if you requiere to pass double quoting mark " on arguments, it must be escaped
stub.bash command arg1 arg2 \"arg3 arg4\" arg5 ... argn
Note. Keep in mind that if you requiere to pass double quoting mark " on arguments, it must be escaped
stub.bash date +%s
you should see output similar to:
Command: "date +%s"
Return Code: "0"
------------------- STDOUT ------------------------
------------------- STDOUT ------------------------
------------------- STDERR ------------------------
------------------- STDERR ------------------------
Successfully added "date +%s" to stub cache
Now, you are able to run command 'date +%s' from command line, and the output will be always the cached one: 1531273997
date +%s
date +%s
But if you run date command with different arguments, it should be run from its original location (and output would vary depending on arguments). Examples:
Tue Jul 10 20:57:37 CDT 2018
date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S
date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S
unstub.bash date +%s
you should see output similar to:
------------------Stubbed Command------------------
Command: "date +%s"
Return Code: "0"
------------------- STDOUT ------------------------
------------------- STDOUT ------------------------
------------------- STDERR ------------------------
------------------- STDERR ------------------------
Removing origcmd file: ".stubfiles/.stub.origcmd.411874bf167dc5c4a77c58d610f8d29054996c39.tmp"
Removing stdout file: ".stubfiles/.stub.stdout.411874bf167dc5c4a77c58d610f8d29054996c39.tmp"
Removing stderr file: ".stubfiles/.stub.stderr.411874bf167dc5c4a77c58d610f8d29054996c39.tmp"
Successfully removed "date +%s" from stub cache
Whenever you need to add double quote mark, you need to escape it. Example:
stub.bash date \"+%Y%m%d %H%M%S\"
you should see output similar to:
Command: "date "+%Y%m%d %H%M%S""
Return Code: "0"
------------------- STDOUT ------------------------
20180710 211811
------------------- STDOUT ------------------------
------------------- STDERR ------------------------
------------------- STDERR ------------------------
Now, you are able to run command 'date "+%Y%m%d %H%M%S"' from command line and the output will be always the cached one: '20180710 211811'. Remember to escape double quoute marks or cached command will never match.
date \"+%Y%m%d %H%M%S\"
20180710 211811
Whenever you need to add double quote mark, you need to escape it. Example:
unstub.bash date \"+%Y%m%d %H%M%S\"
you should see output similar to:
------------------Stubbed Command------------------
Command: "date "+%Y%m%d %H%M%S""
Return Code: "0"
------------------- STDOUT ------------------------
------------------- STDOUT ------------------------
------------------- STDERR ------------------------
------------------- STDERR ------------------------
Removing origcmd file: ".stubfiles/.stub.origcmd.1217fc928199887a48364ef287b16d5e2336e08f.tmp"
Removing stdout file: ".stubfiles/.stub.stdout.1217fc928199887a48364ef287b16d5e2336e08f.tmp"
Removing stderr file: ".stubfiles/.stub.stderr.1217fc928199887a48364ef287b16d5e2336e08f.tmp"
Successfully removed "date "+%Y%m%d %H%M%S"" from stub cache