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Wip use lists for storing keys in assoc structs
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soundmonster committed May 19, 2021
1 parent 869116e commit 4c2f560
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Showing 5 changed files with 138 additions and 64 deletions.
13 changes: 9 additions & 4 deletions lib/ecto.ex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -508,10 +508,15 @@ defmodule Ecto do
refl = %{owner_key: owner_key} = Ecto.Association.association_from_schema!(schema, assoc)

values =
Enum.uniq for(struct <- structs,
assert_struct!(schema, struct),
key = Map.fetch!(struct, owner_key),
do: key)
|> Enum.filter(&assert_struct!(schema, &1))
|> struct ->
# TODO remove List.wrap once all assocs use lists
|> List.wrap
|>!(struct, &1))
|> Enum.uniq

case assocs do
[] ->
Expand Down
92 changes: 69 additions & 23 deletions lib/ecto/association.ex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ defmodule Ecto.Association do
required(:cardinality) => :one | :many,
required(:relationship) => :parent | :child,
required(:owner) => atom,
required(:owner_key) => atom | list(atom),
required(:owner_key) => list(atom),
required(:field) => atom,
required(:unique) => boolean,
optional(atom) => any}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -236,8 +236,15 @@ defmodule Ecto.Association do
# for the final WHERE clause with values.
{_, query, _, dest_out_key} = Enum.reduce(joins, {source, query, counter, source.out_key}, fn curr_rel, {prev_rel, query, counter, _} ->
related_queryable = curr_rel.schema

next = join(query, :inner, [{src, counter}], dest in ^related_queryable, on: field(src, ^prev_rel.out_key) == field(dest, ^curr_rel.in_key))
# TODO remove this once all relations store keys in lists
in_keys = List.wrap(curr_rel.in_key)
out_keys = List.wrap(prev_rel.out_key)
next = query
# join on the first field of the foreign key
|> join(:inner, [{src, counter}], dest in ^related_queryable, on: field(src, ^hd(out_keys)) == field(dest, ^hd(in_keys)))
# add the rest of the foreign key fields, if any
|> composite_joins_query(counter, counter + 1, tl(out_keys), tl(in_keys))
# consider where clauses on assocs
|> combine_joins_query(curr_rel.where, counter + 1)

{curr_rel, next, counter + 1, curr_rel.out_key}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -321,6 +328,16 @@ defmodule Ecto.Association do

# TODO docs
def composite_joins_query(query, _binding_src, _binding_dst, [], []) do
def composite_joins_query(query, binding_src, binding_dst, [src_key | src_keys], [dst_key | dst_keys]) do
[query, binding_src, binding_dst, [src_key | src_keys], [dst_key | dst_keys]] |> IO.inspect(label: :composite_joins_query)

@doc """
Add the default assoc query where clauses to a join.
Expand All @@ -336,6 +353,16 @@ defmodule Ecto.Association do
%{query | joins: joins ++ [%{join_expr | on: %{join_on | expr: expr, params: params}}]}

# TODO docs
def composite_assoc_query(query, _binding_src, [], []) do
def composite_assoc_query(query, binding_dst, [dst_key | dst_keys], [value | values]) do
[query, binding_dst, [dst_key | dst_keys], [value | values]] |> IO.inspect(label: :composite_assoc_query)

@doc """
Add the default assoc query where clauses a provided query.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -633,6 +660,10 @@ defmodule Ecto.Association do

defp primary_key!(nil), do: []
defp primary_key!(struct), do: Ecto.primary_key!(struct)

def missing_fields(queryable, related_key) do
Enum.filter related_key, &is_nil(queryable.__schema__(:type, &1))

defmodule Ecto.Association.Has do
Expand All @@ -645,8 +676,8 @@ defmodule Ecto.Association.Has do
* `field` - The name of the association field on the schema
* `owner` - The schema where the association was defined
* `related` - The schema that is associated
* `owner_key` - The key on the `owner` schema used for the association
* `related_key` - The key on the `related` schema used for the association
* `owner_key` - The list of columns that form the key on the `owner` schema used for the association
* `related_key` - The list of columns that form the key on the `related` schema used for the association
* `queryable` - The real query to use for querying association
* `on_delete` - The action taken on associations when schema is deleted
* `on_replace` - The action taken on associations when schema is replaced
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -674,8 +705,8 @@ defmodule Ecto.Association.Has do
{:error, "associated schema #{inspect queryable} does not exist"}
not function_exported?(queryable, :__schema__, 2) ->
{:error, "associated module #{inspect queryable} is not an Ecto schema"}
is_nil queryable.__schema__(:type, related_key) ->
{:error, "associated schema #{inspect queryable} does not have field `#{related_key}`"}
[] != (missing_fields = Ecto.Association.missing_fields(queryable, related_key)) ->
{:error, "associated schema #{inspect queryable} does not have field(s) `#{inspect missing_fields}`"}
true ->
Expand All @@ -687,12 +718,13 @@ defmodule Ecto.Association.Has do
cardinality = Keyword.fetch!(opts, :cardinality)
related = Ecto.Association.related_from_query(queryable, name)

ref =
refs =
|> Module.get_attribute(:primary_key)
|> get_ref(opts[:references], name)
|> List.wrap()

for ref <- List.wrap(ref) do
for ref <- refs do
unless Module.get_attribute(module, :ecto_fields)[ref] do
raise ArgumentError, "schema does not have the field #{inspect ref} used by " <>
"association #{inspect name}, please set the :references option accordingly"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -728,13 +760,19 @@ defmodule Ecto.Association.Has do
raise ArgumentError, "expected `:where` for #{inspect name} to be a keyword list, got: `#{inspect where}`"

foreign_key = case opts[:foreign_key] do
nil ->, &Ecto.Association.association_key(module, &1))
key when is_atom(key) -> [key]
keys when is_list(keys) -> keys

field: name,
cardinality: cardinality,
owner: module,
related: related,
owner_key: ref,
related_key: opts[:foreign_key] || Ecto.Association.association_key(module, ref),
owner_key: refs,
related_key: foreign_key,
queryable: queryable,
on_delete: on_delete,
on_replace: on_replace,
Expand All @@ -759,19 +797,23 @@ defmodule Ecto.Association.Has do

@impl true
def joins_query(%{related_key: related_key, owner: owner, owner_key: owner_key, queryable: queryable} = assoc) do
from(o in owner, join: q in ^queryable, on: field(q, ^related_key) == field(o, ^owner_key))
# TODO find out how to handle a dynamic list of fields here
from(o in owner, join: q in ^queryable, on: field(q, ^hd(related_key)) == field(o, ^hd(owner_key)))
|> Ecto.Association.composite_joins_query(0, 1, tl(related_key), tl(owner_key))
|> Ecto.Association.combine_joins_query(assoc.where, 1)

@impl true
def assoc_query(%{related_key: related_key, queryable: queryable} = assoc, query, [value]) do
from(x in (query || queryable), where: field(x, ^related_key) == ^value)
from(x in (query || queryable), where: field(x, ^hd(related_key)) == ^hd(value))
|> Ecto.Association.composite_assoc_query(0, tl(related_key), tl(value))
|> Ecto.Association.combine_assoc_query(assoc.where)

@impl true
def assoc_query(%{related_key: related_key, queryable: queryable} = assoc, query, values) do
from(x in (query || queryable), where: field(x, ^related_key) in ^values)
from(x in (query || queryable), where: field(x, ^hd(related_key)) in ^, &hd/1))
|> Ecto.Association.composite_assoc_query(0, tl(related_key),, &tl/1))
|> Ecto.Association.combine_assoc_query(assoc.where)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1000,16 +1042,16 @@ defmodule Ecto.Association.BelongsTo do
{:error, "associated schema #{inspect queryable} does not exist"}
not function_exported?(queryable, :__schema__, 2) ->
{:error, "associated module #{inspect queryable} is not an Ecto schema"}
is_nil queryable.__schema__(:type, related_key) ->
{:error, "associated schema #{inspect queryable} does not have field `#{related_key}`"}
[] != (missing_fields = Ecto.Association.missing_fields(queryable, related_key)) ->
{:error, "associated schema #{inspect queryable} does not have field(s) `#{inspect missing_fields}`"}
true ->

@impl true
def struct(module, name, opts) do
ref = if ref = opts[:references], do: ref, else: :id
refs = if ref = opts[:references], do: List.wrap(ref), else: [:id]
queryable = Keyword.fetch!(opts, :queryable)
related = Ecto.Association.related_from_query(queryable, name)
on_replace = Keyword.get(opts, :on_replace, :raise)
Expand All @@ -1031,8 +1073,8 @@ defmodule Ecto.Association.BelongsTo do
field: name,
owner: module,
related: related,
owner_key: Keyword.fetch!(opts, :foreign_key),
related_key: ref,
owner_key: List.wrap(Keyword.fetch!(opts, :foreign_key)),
related_key: refs,
queryable: queryable,
on_replace: on_replace,
defaults: defaults,
Expand All @@ -1049,19 +1091,22 @@ defmodule Ecto.Association.BelongsTo do

@impl true
def joins_query(%{related_key: related_key, owner: owner, owner_key: owner_key, queryable: queryable} = assoc) do
from(o in owner, join: q in ^queryable, on: field(q, ^related_key) == field(o, ^owner_key))
from(o in owner, join: q in ^queryable, on: field(q, ^hd(related_key)) == field(o, ^hd(owner_key)))
|> Ecto.Association.composite_joins_query(0, 1, tl(related_key), tl(owner_key))
|> Ecto.Association.combine_joins_query(assoc.where, 1)

@impl true
def assoc_query(%{related_key: related_key, queryable: queryable} = assoc, query, [value]) do
from(x in (query || queryable), where: field(x, ^related_key) == ^value)
from(x in (query || queryable), where: field(x, ^hd(related_key)) == ^hd(value))
|> Ecto.Association.composite_assoc_query(0, tl(related_key), tl(value))
|> Ecto.Association.combine_assoc_query(assoc.where)

@impl true
def assoc_query(%{related_key: related_key, queryable: queryable} = assoc, query, values) do
from(x in (query || queryable), where: field(x, ^related_key) in ^values)
from(x in (query || queryable), where: field(x, ^hd(related_key)) in ^, &hd/1))
|> Ecto.Association.composite_assoc_query(0, tl(related_key),, &tl/1))
|> Ecto.Association.combine_assoc_query(assoc.where)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1282,11 +1327,12 @@ defmodule Ecto.Association.ManyToMany do

owner_key_type = owner.__schema__(:type, owner_key)

# TODO fix the hd(values)
# We only need to join in the "join table". Preload and Ecto.assoc expressions can then filter
# by &1.join_owner_key in ^... to filter down to the associated entries in the related table.
from(q in (query || queryable),
join: j in ^join_through, on: field(q, ^related_key) == field(j, ^join_related_key),
where: field(j, ^join_owner_key) in type(^values, {:in, ^owner_key_type})
where: field(j, ^join_owner_key) in type(^hd(values), {:in, ^owner_key_type})
|> Ecto.Association.combine_assoc_query(assoc.where)
|> Ecto.Association.combine_joins_query(assoc.join_where, 1)
Expand Down
57 changes: 39 additions & 18 deletions lib/ecto/repo/preloader.ex
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,10 +39,12 @@ defmodule Ecto.Repo.Preloader do

def preload(structs, repo_name, preloads, opts) when is_list(structs) do
# IO.inspect([preloads: preloads, opts: opts], label: :preload__list)
normalize_and_preload_each(structs, repo_name, preloads, opts[:take], opts)

def preload(struct, repo_name, preloads, opts) when is_map(struct) do
# IO.inspect([preloads: preloads, opts: opts], label: :preload__map)
normalize_and_preload_each([struct], repo_name, preloads, opts[:take], opts) |> hd()

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -108,6 +110,7 @@ defmodule Ecto.Repo.Preloader do
fn opts ->
fetch_query(fetch_ids, assoc, repo_name, query, prefix, related_key, take, opts)
# |> IO.inspect(label: :fetch_query)
| queries
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -170,10 +173,15 @@ defmodule Ecto.Repo.Preloader do
struct, {fetch_ids, loaded_ids, loaded_structs} ->
assert_struct!(module, struct)
%{^owner_key => id, ^field => value} = struct
%{^field => value} = struct
# TODO remove List.wrap
ids = owner_key |> List.wrap |> key ->
%{^key => id} = struct
loaded? = Ecto.assoc_loaded?(value) and not force?

if loaded? and is_nil(id) and not Ecto.Changeset.Relation.empty?(assoc, value) do
if loaded? and Enum.any?(ids, &is_nil/1) and not Ecto.Changeset.Relation.empty?(assoc, value) do
Logger.warn """
association `#{field}` for `#{inspect(module)}` has a loaded value but \
its association key `#{owner_key}` is nil. This usually means one of:
Expand All @@ -185,20 +193,22 @@ defmodule Ecto.Repo.Preloader do

binding() |> Keyword.take(~w/ids loaded? struct value field owner_key card/a) |> IO.inspect(label: :fetch_ids)
cond do
card == :one and loaded? ->
{fetch_ids, [id | loaded_ids], [value | loaded_structs]}
{fetch_ids, [ids | loaded_ids], [value | loaded_structs]}
card == :many and loaded? ->
{fetch_ids, [{id, length(value)} | loaded_ids], value ++ loaded_structs}
is_nil(id) ->
{fetch_ids, [{ids, length(value)} | loaded_ids], value ++ loaded_structs}
Enum.any? ids, &is_nil/1 ->
{fetch_ids, loaded_ids, loaded_structs}
true ->
{[id | fetch_ids], loaded_ids, loaded_structs}
{[ids | fetch_ids], loaded_ids, loaded_structs}

defp fetch_query(ids, assoc, _repo_name, query, _prefix, related_key, _take, _opts) when is_function(query, 1) do
binding() |> Keyword.take(~w(query ids related_key)a) |> IO.inspect(label: :fetch_query_first)
# Note we use an explicit sort because we don't want
# to reorder based on the struct. Only the ID.
Expand All @@ -211,20 +221,21 @@ defmodule Ecto.Repo.Preloader do

defp fetch_query(ids, %{cardinality: card} = assoc, repo_name, query, prefix, related_key, take, opts) do
query = assoc.__struct__.assoc_query(assoc, query, Enum.uniq(ids))
field = related_key_to_field(query, related_key)
fields = related_key_to_fields(query, related_key)

# Normalize query
query = %{Ecto.Query.Planner.ensure_select(query, take || true) | prefix: prefix}

# Add the related key to the query results
query = update_in, &{:{}, [], [field, &1]}
query = update_in, &{:{}, [], [fields, &1]}
binding() |> Keyword.take(~w(fields query ids related_key take)a) |> IO.inspect(label: :fetch_query_second)

# If we are returning many results, we must sort by the key too
query =
case card do
:many ->
update_in query.order_bys, fn order_bys ->
[%Ecto.Query.QueryExpr{expr: preload_order(assoc, query, field), params: [],
[%Ecto.Query.QueryExpr{expr: preload_order(assoc, query, fields), params: [],
file: __ENV__.file, line: __ENV__.line}|order_bys]
:one ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -288,6 +299,13 @@ defmodule Ecto.Repo.Preloader do
[{:asc, related_field} | custom_order_by]

defp related_key_to_fields(query, {pos, keys}) do keys, fn key ->
{{:., [], [{:&, [], [related_key_pos(query, pos)]}, key]}, [], []}

# TODO deprecated
defp related_key_to_field(query, {pos, key, field_type}) do
field_ast = related_key_to_field(query, {pos, key})

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -352,16 +370,19 @@ defmodule Ecto.Repo.Preloader do

defp load_assoc({:assoc, assoc, ids}, struct) do
%{field: field, owner_key: owner_key, cardinality: cardinality} = assoc
key = Map.fetch!(struct, owner_key)

loaded =
case ids do
%{^key => value} -> value
_ when cardinality == :many -> []
_ -> nil
binding() |> Keyword.take(~w(struct ids owner_key)a) |> IO.inspect(label: :load_assoc)
Enum.reduce owner_key, struct, fn owner_key_field, struct ->
key = Map.fetch!(struct, owner_key_field)

loaded =
case ids do
%{^key => value} -> value
_ when cardinality == :many -> []
_ -> nil

Map.put(struct, field, loaded)
Map.put(struct, field, loaded)

defp load_through({:through, assoc, throughs}, struct) do
Expand Down

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