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GUI for Firestore Admin SDK (inspired by the official firestore console)


  • Clone this repository
  • Throw your service account JSON file into /server/credentials
    • IMPORTANT: Your files will be ignored by Git (there is a .gitignore file in there)
    • See instructions below how to obtain a service account
  • Create another .env file (same folder).

e.g. .env (in addition to my-app-service-account-af2cb2364.json)

# default is 3030



# override the default redirect url (default is the first one)
  • Install dependencies npm install
  • Run the app by npm start
  • Open browser on http://localhost:3030

How to create a service account

  1. Go to Firebase console
  2. Open your project's settings.
  3. At the "Service accounts" tab, click the "Generate new private key" (Node.js chosen)


Update documents fields syntax

Value format Argument Translates to Description Example
"$id" None path.split('/').pop() Gets the current document id (last part of the path) "key": "$id"
"$path" None path Gets the current document path "current_path": "$path"
"$path<n>" None path.split('/')[n] Gets the Nth part of current document path "root_collection": "$path0"
"$ref:/..." Path to a document (can contain $path<n>? placeholders) firestore.doc("/...") DocumentReference type value "related_doc": $ref:/$path0/$path1/sibling-coll/doc-1"
"$time:<millis/ISO>" millis = Milliseconds since UNIX epoch OR ISO = ISO-8601 format. Timestamp.fromDate(new Date(...)) Timestamp type value "action_time": $time:1609459200000" / $time:2021-01-01T00:00"
"$serverTime()" None FieldValue.serverTimestamp() Timestamp of write time on server "created_at": "$serverTime()"
["$geo", <la>, <lo>] Latitude and Longitude (float) new GeoPoint(<la>,<lo>) GeoPoint type value "ip_location": ["$geo", 34, 40]
"$inc:<by>" Number (float or int) FieldValue.increment(<by>) Increments (or decrements for negative values) the existing value (or adding to 0) "count": "$inc:1"
["$union", ...] any[] FieldValue.arrayUnion(...) Add the following items to the existing array (create one if not an array) "likes_by": ["$union", "$ref:/..."]
["$remove", ...] any[] FieldValue.arrayRemove(...) Remove the following items from the existing array "flags": ["$remove", 2]
"$delete" None FieldValue.delete() Mark this field for deletion (on update only) "to_be_deleted": "$delete"
