Dear Programming,
I want to express my heartfelt gratitude: "Thank you for being the healing presence in my life!" When doors close, and my world seems to be collapsing, you are the lifeline I can grasp and climb. Tackling programming challenges pushes me to think logically and creatively, which brings light into my days.
I believe that if I persist and make programming a daily habit —just like brushing my teeth— I can unlock many possibilities for tomorrow.
I’m also thankful for the Internet, which gives me the freedom to learn and grow through the wisdom shared by others.
Happy coding!
With all my appreciation,
👋 Hi, I’m @elisencode
Les performance passées ne préjugent pas des performances futures.
👣 Workflow :
- Keep it simple, stupid! Keep it short, silly!
- Less is More. Small is beautiful.
- Stability means predictability and peace-of-mind.
- Protesilaos Stavrou
🎯 GNU/Linux & Unix Way | GOAL (un projet: c'est une date) |
Learn how to think | -focus-on-> Python -to become-> My Own Problem-Solver |
XDG Base Directory | Vanilla Configure |
Desktop OS | -goal-> Debian + bspwm (Binary space partitioning window manager) |
TWM (tiling window manager) | Regolith-desktop -goal-> Qtile |
-steep learning curves-> Xmonad (written in Haskell) / DWM (written in C) | |
Love Text editor | Vanilla Vim |
IDE | -learning-on-> Vanilla Emacs (Escape-Meta-Alt-Control-Shift) |
Teminal | Tmux (terminal multiplexer) |
Shell | Bash -goal-> Linux Command Line Power User |
Everyday life | Emacs Org-mode |
Linking-Thinking | Note-taking: Emacs Org-mode + Org-roam |
Version Control | Git, Gitlab, Github |
Typesetting system (WYSIWYM) | -goal-> LaTex -format-> PdfTex |
Markdown | Pandoc's Markdown, Github flavor Markdown, R Markdown |
Content Cell | Content Cell |
Learn from:
- 👀 I’m interested in ... zen healthy minimalist lifestyle : computational thinking (🤔 socratic logic), accounting, finance, networking, emotional intelligence, antifragile, nonviolent compassionate communication, 🇫🇷 la gestion optimale du temps, la réflexion juridique (le raisonnement juridique) & la méthodologie, la gestion de patrimoine, le Droit immobilier (DROIT PRIVÉ : DROIT DES BIENS), le Droit de la propriété intellectuelle.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning ... delibrate practice: programming everyday.
- 💞️ I’m looking to collaborate on ... "je contribue à beaucoup d'autres personnes sur la planète quelque chose qui ait une valeur solide et durable."
- 📫 How to reach me ... ce trésor "la Providence" ou "la sagesse du créateur" : faire preuve d'une "autodiscipline constante" et assidue.