Tatum is yet another small tool for rendering Markdown to HTML. Primarily, I use it to preview my Markdown notes and essays, and to export them to self-contained HTML files.
In my case, this is for submission to school assignments.
You my replicate my setup by first installing Tatum:
cargo install --git https://github.com/elijah-potter/tatum --locked
Next, insert the following snippet into your Neovim config:
vim.keymap.set("n", "<leader>o", function ()
vim.fn.jobstart({"tatum", "serve", "--open", vim.fn.expand('%')}, { noremap = true, silent = true })
Tatum aims to make entirely self-contained HTML
If you reference an image in your Markdown, Tatum will resolve the location of the image, encode it as a data URL, and place it in the final file.