- 'gf' -> Format the code (requires LSP)
- 'gd' -> Go to definition (requires LSP)
- 'Leader-xx' -> View diagnosis in the current file
- 'Leader-xX' -> View diagnosis in the entire project
- 'Leader-ff' -> Fuzzy search files using telescope
- 'Leader-Leader' -> Fuzzy search files in the current buffer
- 'Leader-fw' -> Fuzzy search for words
- 'Leader-fe' -> Toggle file explorer
- 'zA' -> Toggle code folding(everything)
- 'za' -> Toggle code folding(current)
- 'gcc' -> Comment the line(Normal Mode)
- 'gc' -> Comment the linewise(Visual Mode)
- 'gb' -> Comment the blockwise(Visual Mode)
- 'Leader-hx' -> Mark the file
- 'Leader-hm' -> See the files
- 'Leader-h1' -> Select the first file
- 'Leader-h2' -> Select the second file
- 'Leader-h3' -> Select the third file
- 'Leader-h4' -> Select the fourth file
- Update README file with shortcuts
- Set Telescope as UI for harpoon
- Remove unnecessary comments.
- Move the warning and error indicator to right
- Split the