sjavatime 1.1.3
This is the 4th release of sjavatime which supports the Scala.js and Scala Native line of products.
Changes 💥
- Upgrade to Scala 3.0.0-RC2 (#22)
- Update sbt-scalajs, scalajs-compiler, ... to 1.5.1 (#21)
- Update sbt-dotty to 0.5.4 (#20)
- Update sbt-ci-release to 1.5.7 (#19)
- Update sbt to 1.4.9 (#17)
Contributors 👥
According to git shortlog -sn --no-merges v1.1.2..v1.1.3
4 Scala Steward
1 Eric K Richardson
Thanks to the people trying out this library. 🎤 👏