A minimalist command line todo application
- Create a task
- Read(get) a tasks
- Delete a task
- Receive help for using the application
panda writes to, and reads from a json file which acts a storage for the tasks. The application reads commands from the cli and processes supported commands. If an invalid entry is made the application returns a help information. Now that's minimalistic.
Command | Use |
add | needs two arguments, the task in double quotes and the priority (h or l, n) |
task | needs no argument, its is used to show the list of incompleted tasks |
complete | needs one argument - the id, and is used to complete a task[the id is the serial number of the tasks] |
help | needs no argument, it displays the help information on request and in situations where an supported command is inputed |
Binaries will be released for Linux, Mac and Windows, but for now, clone this repository, and use this command to build the application.
go build -o panda main.go
Don't forget to move application to Path ...