This repository contains the code required for analysis of Ekeberg. T et al. Observation of a single protein by ultrafast X-ray diffraction. (2022). It requires you to download the corresponding data and place it in a directory called Data in this directory. You should also create an environment variable called XFEL2146_DIR that points to this directory.
Bellow follows a short description of each of the scripts
Run Scripts/ Calculates the detector baseline
Run Scripts/ using sbatch Fit the zero and one photon peaks to detector readout histograms to get the detector response.
Run Scripts/ Combine the fitting results into a single file
Run Scripts/ using sbatch Counts the number of lit pixels in each frame. This is the first step of hitfinding
Run Scripts/ using sbatch Save all patterns with lit pixels above a threshold
Run Scripts/ Combine the detector modules for hits
Run Scripts/ using sbatch Sum up data from runs without sample to get an average photon background
Run Scripts/ Combine detector modules for the background
Run Scripts/ Combine GroEL and water to create the density models
Run Scripts/ using sbatch Simulate diffraction data from pure GroEL and from the different density models
Run Scripts/ Combine the resuls from the simulation into easier-to-handle files
Run Scripts/ using sbatch Find the best fitting orientation and translation for each structure model
Run Scripts/ Combine the results from template matching into a single file