Links within the README:
- Install rvm, if not present, from here
- Install ruby v.2.1.0:
$ rvm install ruby-2.1.0
- The .ruby-gemset file in the directory will automatically create a gemset
- Install bundle:
gem install bundle
- Install required gems by running the command:
$ bundle
The script requirese the following parameters: ie_list wip_path git_path R* username R* password characterset(Latn|Arab)
- ie_list: list of books to be published
- wip_path: /path to collection in R*/
- git_path: /path to local copy of github repository/
- characterset: /For Arabic book collection the script runs twice first with Latn parameter then with Arab parameter. For all other books it runs only with Latn parameter/
- R username*
- R password* The script will generate a set of json objects and save them in the local copy of content repository. The script should be called the following way:
bundle exec ruby lib/dlts_publisher.rb wip_path Latn|Arab R*username R*password git_path -f path_to_se_list