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fixed SW energy loop
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ejmeitz committed Nov 10, 2023
1 parent 439345d commit 8bddd88
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Showing 5 changed files with 72 additions and 115 deletions.
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/autodiff_test.jl
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Expand Up @@ -44,16 +44,18 @@ end
function second_order_AD_test(sys::SuperCellSystem{D}, pot::StillingerWeberSilicon, tol; r_cut = pot.r_cut) where D
vars = make_variables(:r, D)
r_norm = sqrt(sum(x -> x^2, vars))
println("at start")
#2nd order part
pot2_symbolic = pair_potential_nounits(pot, r_norm)
H2_symbolic = hessian(pot2_symbolic, vars)
H2_exec = make_function(H2_symbolic, vars)

#3rd order part(s)
pot3_symbolic = threebody_potential_nounits(pot, r_norm)
H3_symbolic = hessian(pot3_symbolic, vars)
H3_exec = make_function(H3_symbolic, vars)

N_atoms = n_atoms(sys)
IFC2 = zeros(D*N_atoms,D*N_atoms)

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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/finite_diff_ifc.jl
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Expand Up @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ function second_order_finite_diff(sys_eq::SuperCellSystem{3}, pot::PairPotential
posns[atom_idxs[1]][cartesian_idxs[1]] += combo[1]
posns[atom_idxs[2]][cartesian_idxs[2]] += combo[2]

energies[c] = energy_loop(pot, posns, pot.energy_unit, r_cut, sys_eq.box_sizes_SC, N_atoms)
energies[c] = energy_loop(pot, posns, r_cut, sys_eq.box_sizes_SC, N_atoms)

posns[atom_idxs[1]][cartesian_idxs[1]] -= combo[1]
Expand All @@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ function second_order_finite_diff(sys_eq::SuperCellSystem{3}, pot::PairPotential
for (c,combo) in enumerate(combos)
posns[atom_idxs[1]][cartesian_idxs[1]] += combo[1]

energies[c] = energy_loop(pot, posns, pot.energy_unit, r_cut, sys_eq.box_sizes_SC, N_atoms)
energies[c] = energy_loop(pot, posns, r_cut, sys_eq.box_sizes_SC, N_atoms)

posns[atom_idxs[1]][cartesian_idxs[1]] -= combo[1]
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99 changes: 35 additions & 64 deletions src/helper_funcs.jl
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Expand Up @@ -26,9 +26,9 @@ function apply_tols!(arr, tol)
return arr

function energy_loop(pot::PairPotential, posns, eng_unit, r_cut, box_sizes, N_atoms)
function energy_loop(pot::PairPotential, posns, r_cut, box_sizes, N_atoms)

U_total = 0.0*eng_unit
U_total = 0.0*pot.energy_unit

for i in range(1,N_atoms)
for j in range(i+1, N_atoms)
Expand All @@ -45,78 +45,49 @@ function energy_loop(pot::PairPotential, posns, eng_unit, r_cut, box_sizes, N_at


function energy_loop(pot::StillingerWeberSilicon, posns, eng_unit, r_cut, box_sizes, N_atoms)
#Expects positions as Vector{Vector}
function energy_loop(pot::StillingerWeberSilicon, posns, box_sizes, N_atoms)

U_total = 0.0*eng_unit
U_total = 0.0*pot.energy_unit

rᵢⱼ = similar(posns[1])
rᵢₖ = similar(posns[1])
r_cut_sq = pot.r_cut * pot.r_cut #avoid doing sqrts
for i in range(1,N_atoms)
for j in range(1, N_atoms)

rᵢⱼ = posns[i] .- posns[j]
nearest_mirror!(rᵢⱼ, box_sizes)
dist_ij = norm(rᵢⱼ)

if i < j && dist_ij < r_cut
U_total += pair_potential(pot, rᵢⱼ)

for k in range(j+1, N_atoms)
# i central
rᵢₖ = posns[i] .- posns[k]
nearest_mirror!(rᵢₖ, box_sizes)
dist_ik = norm(rᵢₖ)

if dist_ij < r_cut && dist_ik < r_cut
U_total += three_body_potential(pot, rᵢⱼ, rᵢₖ, dist_ij, dist_ik)
for j in range(1,N_atoms)

if i != j
rᵢⱼ .= posns[i] .- posns[j]
nearest_mirror!(rᵢⱼ, box_sizes)
dist_ij_sq = sum(x -> x^2, rᵢⱼ)

if dist_ij_sq < r_cut_sq

if i < j
U_total += pair_potential(pot, sqrt(dist_ij_sq))

for k in range(j+1, N_atoms)
if i != k
rᵢₖ .= posns[i] .- posns[k]
nearest_mirror!(rᵢₖ, box_sizes)
dist_ik_sq = sum(x -> x^2, rᵢₖ)

if dist_ik_sq < r_cut_sq
U_total += three_body_potential(pot, rᵢⱼ, rᵢₖ, sqrt(dist_ij_sq), sqrt(dist_ik_sq))

return U_total

# function energy_loop(pot::StillingerWeberSilicon, posns, eng_unit, r_cut, box_sizes, N_atoms)

# U_total = 0.0*eng_unit

# for i in range(1,N_atoms)
# for j in range(i+1, N_atoms)
# rᵢⱼ = posns[i] .- posns[j]
# nearest_mirror!(rᵢⱼ, box_sizes)
# dist_ij = norm(rᵢⱼ)
# if dist_ij < r_cut
# U_total += pair_potential(pot, rᵢⱼ)

# for k in range(j+1, N_atoms)

# #i as central atom
# rᵢₖ = posns[i] .- posns[k]
# nearest_mirror!(rᵢₖ, box_sizes)
# dist_ik = norm(rᵢₖ)

# if dist_ik < r_cut
# U_total += three_body_potential(pot, rᵢⱼ, rᵢₖ)
# end

# #j,k as central atom
# rⱼᵢ = -rᵢⱼ
# rⱼₖ = rᵢₖ .- rᵢⱼ #rᵢⱼ .- rᵢₖ
# rₖᵢ = -rᵢₖ
# rₖⱼ = -rⱼₖ
# dist_jk = norm(rⱼₖ)
# if dist_jk < r_cut
# U_total += three_body_potential(pot, rⱼᵢ, rⱼₖ) #j central atom
# if dist_ik < r_cut
# U_total += three_body_potential(pot, rₖᵢ, rₖⱼ) #k central atom
# end
# end

# end
# end
# end
# end
# return U_total
# end

# Calculates force on atom j in β direction
function force_loop_j(pot::PairPotential, posns, force_unit, r_cut, box_sizes, N_atoms, j, β)
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76 changes: 30 additions & 46 deletions src/interactions/SW.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -18,85 +18,69 @@ function SW_Params(ϵ, σ, a, λ, γ, cosθ₀, A, B , p, q)
A, B , p, q)

struct StillingerWeberSilicon{R,L,E} <: ThreeBodyPotential
struct StillingerWeberSilicon{R,L,E,GS,LE} <: ThreeBodyPotential

function StillingerWeberSilicon()
#From LAMMPS Si.sw file
sws_params = SW_Params(2.1683u"eV", 2.0951u"", 1.80, 21.0, 1.20,
-1/3, 7.049556277, 0.6022245584, 4.0, 0.0)
-0.333333333333, 7.049556277, 0.6022245584, 4.0, 0.0)

r_cut = sws_params.a*sws_params.σ
length_unit = unit(sws_params.σ)
energy_unit = unit(sws_params.ϵ)
gamma_sigma = sws_params.σ*sws_params.γ
lambda_epsilon = sws_params.ϵ*sws_params.λ

return StillingerWeberSilicon{typeof(r_cut),typeof(length_unit),typeof(energy_unit)}(
r_cut, length_unit, energy_unit, sws_params)
return StillingerWeberSilicon{typeof(r_cut),typeof(length_unit),typeof(energy_unit), typeof(gamma_sigma), typeof(lambda_epsilon)}(
r_cut, length_unit, energy_unit, sws_params, gamma_sigma, lambda_epsilon)

function pair_potential(pot::StillingerWeberSilicon, rᵢⱼ::Vector)
return Φ₂(pot.params.A, pot.params.B, pot.params.ϵ, pot.params.σ, pot.params.p, pot.params.q, pot.params.a, norm(rᵢⱼ))
function pair_potential(pot::StillingerWeberSilicon, dist_ij)
return Φ₂(pot.params.A, pot.params.B, pot.params.ϵ, pot.params.σ, pot.params.p, pot.params.q, pot.params.a, dist_ij)

function pair_potential_nounits(pot::StillingerWeberSilicon, rᵢⱼ::Vector)
function pair_potential_nounits(pot::StillingerWeberSilicon, dist_ij)
return Φ₂(pot.params.A, pot.params.B, ustrip(pot.params.ϵ), ustrip(pot.params.σ),
pot.params.p, pot.params.q, pot.params.a, norm(rᵢⱼ))
pot.params.p, pot.params.q, pot.params.a, dist_ij)

# function three_body_potential(pot::StillingerWeberSilicon, rᵢⱼ, rᵢₖ, rⱼᵢ, rⱼₖ, rₖᵢ, rₖⱼ)
# dist_ij = norm(rᵢⱼ); dist_ik = norm(rᵢₖ)
# dist_ji = norm(rⱼᵢ); dist_jk = norm(rⱼₖ)
# dist_ki = norm(rₖᵢ); dist_kj = norm(rₖⱼ)
# cosθᵢⱼₖ = dot(rᵢⱼ, rᵢₖ) / (dist_ij * dist_ik)
# cosθⱼᵢₖ = dot(rⱼᵢ, rⱼₖ) / (dist_ji * dist_jk)
# cosθₖᵢⱼ = dot(rₖᵢ, rₖⱼ) / (dist_ki * dist_kj)
# h1 = Φ₃(pot.params.γ, pot.params.ϵ, cosθᵢⱼₖ, pot.params.cosθ₀, pot.params.γ, pot.params.γ,
# pot.params.σ, pot.params.σ, pot.params.a, pot.params.a, dist_ij, dist_ik)
# h2 = Φ₃(pot.params.γ, pot.params.ϵ, cosθⱼᵢₖ, pot.params.cosθ₀, pot.params.γ, pot.params.γ,
# pot.params.σ, pot.params.σ, pot.params.a, pot.params.a, dist_ji, dist_jk)
# h3 = Φ₃(pot.params.γ, pot.params.ϵ, cosθₖᵢⱼ, pot.params.cosθ₀, pot.params.γ, pot.params.γ,
# pot.params.σ, pot.params.σ, pot.params.a, pot.params.a, dist_ki, dist_kj)
# # println("dist_ij $(dist_ij) dist_ik $(dist_ik) dist_ji $(dist_ji) dist_jk $(dist_jk) dist_ki $(dist_ki) dist_kj $(dist_kj)")
# # println("h1: $(ustrip(h1)) h2 $(ustrip(h2)) h3 $(ustrip(h3))")
# # println("cos1: $(ustrip(cosθᵢⱼₖ)) cos2 $(ustrip(cosθⱼᵢₖ)) cos3 $(ustrip(cosθₖᵢⱼ))")
# return h1 + h2 + h3
# end

function three_body_potential(pot::StillingerWeberSilicon, rᵢⱼ, rᵢₖ, dist_ij, dist_ik)

cosθᵢⱼₖ = dot(rᵢⱼ, rᵢₖ) / (dist_ij * dist_ik)

return Φ₃(pot.params.γ, pot.params.ϵ, cosθᵢⱼₖ, pot.params.cosθ₀, pot.params.γ, pot.params.γ,
pot.params.σ, pot.params.σ, pot.params.a, pot.params.a, dist_ij, dist_ik)
return Φ₃_si(pot, cosθᵢⱼₖ, pot.r_cut, dist_ij, dist_ik)


# function three_body_potential_nounits(pot::StillingerWeberSilicon, rᵢⱼ, rᵢₖ, rⱼᵢ, rⱼₖ, rₖᵢ, rₖⱼ)
# dist_ij = norm(rᵢⱼ); dist_ik = norm(rᵢₖ)
# dist_ji = norm(rⱼᵢ); dist_jk = norm(rⱼₖ)
# dist_ki = norm(rₖᵢ); dist_kj = norm(rₖⱼ)
# cosθᵢⱼₖ = dot(rᵢⱼ, rᵢₖ) / (dist_ij * dist_ik)
# cosθⱼᵢₖ = dot(rⱼᵢ, rⱼₖ) / (dist_ji * dist_jk)
# cosθₖᵢⱼ = dot(rₖᵢ, rₖⱼ) / (dist_ki * dist_kj)
# h1 = Φ₃(pot.params.γ, ustrip(pot.params.ϵ), cosθᵢⱼₖ, pot.params.cosθ₀, pot.params.γ, pot.params.γ,
# ustrip(pot.params.σ), ustrip(pot.params.σ), pot.params.a, pot.params.a, dist_ij, dist_ik)
# h2 = Φ₃(pot.params.γ, ustrip(pot.params.ϵ), cosθⱼᵢₖ, pot.params.cosθ₀, pot.params.γ, pot.params.γ,
# ustrip(pot.params.σ), ustrip(pot.params.σ), pot.params.a, pot.params.a, dist_ji, dist_jk)
# h3 = Φ₃(pot.params.γ, ustrip(pot.params.ϵ), cosθₖᵢⱼ, pot.params.cosθ₀, pot.params.γ, pot.params.γ,
# ustrip(pot.params.σ), ustrip(pot.params.σ), pot.params.a, pot.params.a, dist_ki, dist_kj)
# return h1 + h2 + h3
# end
function three_body_potential_nounits(pot::StillingerWeberSilicon, rᵢⱼ, rᵢₖ, dist_ij, dist_ik)

cosθᵢⱼₖ = dot(rᵢⱼ, rᵢₖ) / (dist_ij * dist_ik)

return Φ₃(pot.params.λ, ustrip(pot.params.ϵ), cosθᵢⱼₖ, pot.params.cosθ₀, pot.params.γ, pot.params.γ,
ustrip(pot.params.σ), ustrip(pot.params.σ), pot.params.a, pot.params.a, rᵢⱼ, rᵢₖ)


function Φ₂(A, B, ϵ, σ, p, q, a, rᵢⱼ)
return A*ϵ*(B*((σ/rᵢⱼ)^p) - ((σ/rᵢⱼ)^q)) * exp/(rᵢⱼ-(a*σ)))

function Φ₃(λᵢⱼₖ, ϵᵢⱼₖ, cosθᵢⱼₖ, cosθ₀, γᵢⱼ, γᵢₖ, σᵢⱼ, σᵢₖ, aᵢⱼ, aᵢₖ, rᵢⱼ, rᵢₖ)
# println("term1: $(ustrip(λᵢⱼₖ*ϵᵢⱼₖ*((cosθᵢⱼₖ - cosθ₀)^2))) term2 $(ustrip(exp((γᵢⱼ*σᵢⱼ)/(rᵢⱼ -(aᵢⱼ*σᵢⱼ))))) term3 $(ustrip(exp((γᵢₖ*σᵢₖ)/(rᵢₖ-(aᵢₖ*σᵢₖ)))))")
return λᵢⱼₖ*ϵᵢⱼₖ*((cosθᵢⱼₖ - cosθ₀)^2)*exp((γᵢⱼ*σᵢⱼ)/(rᵢⱼ -(aᵢⱼ*σᵢⱼ)))*exp((γᵢₖ*σᵢₖ)/(rᵢₖ-(aᵢₖ*σᵢₖ)))
return λᵢⱼₖ*ϵᵢⱼₖ*((cosθᵢⱼₖ - cosθ₀)^2)*exp((γᵢⱼ*σᵢⱼ)/(rᵢⱼ-(aᵢⱼ*σᵢⱼ)))*exp((γᵢₖ*σᵢₖ)/(rᵢₖ-(aᵢₖ*σᵢₖ)))

function Φ₃_si(pot, cosθᵢⱼₖ, r_cut, rᵢⱼ, rᵢₖ)
return pot.lambda_epsilon*((cosθᵢⱼₖ - pot.params.cosθ₀)^2)*exp(pot.gamma_sigma/(rᵢⱼ-r_cut))*exp(pot.gamma_sigma/(rᵢₖ-r_cut))
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/mcc.jl
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Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ export mcc3, mcc3_custom_kernel

Converts third order forces constants, `Ψ` into third order modal coupling constants (MCC).
Converts mass weighted third order forces constants, `Ψ` into third order modal coupling constants (MCC).
Does not divide MCC calculation into smaller chunks. This might exhaust GPU memory.
function mcc3::CuArray{Float32, 3}, phi::CuArray{Float32, 2}, tol::Float64)
Expand All @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ function mcc3(Ψ::CuArray{Float32, 3}, phi::CuArray{Float32, 2}, tol::Float64)

Converts third order forces constants, `Ψ` into third order modal coupling constants (MCC). The
Converts mass weighted third order forces constants, `Ψ` into third order modal coupling constants (MCC). The
parameter `block_size` specifies problem size when calculating the MCC. For example, if
`block_size` is 100, the block MCC will be calculated in 100x100x100 blocks to save GPU memory.
The `phi` matrix will be automatically truncated to adjust for this.
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